Use "stockier" in a sentence

1. Synonyms for Burlier include beefier, brawnier, heftier, bigger, bulkier, huskier, musclier, stockier, stronger and sturdier

2. Synonyms for Beefier include brawnier, stronger, burlier, sturdier, robuster, powerfuller, huskier, heftier, stockier and buffer

3. Blesbok males (Rams) are stockier and more robustly built and they also weigh more than ewes (females)

4. It is very similar in appearance to the closely related Arctic tern, but is stockier, and the wing tips are grey instead of blackish in flight.

5. The Curs from the Southeastern mountains tend to be smaller, shorter and stockier, working in a closer range of the handler and tend to be more tree-oriented.

6. The Birman is similar to the Siamese of Thailand, but he has a stockier body, white feet, and a long, silken coat that comes in all pointed colors, including chocolate and lilac