Use "stockbrokers" in a sentence

1. Banks and stockbrokers charge a commission for transactions.

2. Shady stockbrokers who finagle their clients out of fortunes.

3. Stockbrokers should prevent their clients from plunging headlong into trouble.

4. Don't, and you can go back to feeling up stockbrokers.

5. You could be two stockbrokers, rolling naked on the trading floor and everybody's watching.

6. Under a Buttonwood tree stockbrokers aimed to organize the trading of securities in New York

7. The newsletters issued by licensed dealers, whether written in house, or anonymously by stockbrokers, tend towards propaganda.

8. This requirement includes the process of opening and maintaining the central depository account (CDS) for clients by stockbrokers.

9. 25 Both companies are private client stockbrokers, which specialize in managing money for wealthy investors, trusts and charities.

10. STOCK MARKET (also churn) the illegal practice by stockbrokers of buying and selling a client's investments more often than necessary, in order to make more money in commissions: Our attorneys specialize in representing victims of stockbroker fraud, securities Churning, …