Use "stipulates" in a sentence

1. 24 Whether the importer stipulates minimum premium risk?

2. Essentially, Article 356 Of Penal Code stipulates special recidivist.

3. N Bargainer One who bargains or stipulates; specifically, in law, the party in a contract who stipulates to sell and convey property to another by bargain and sale

4. Section VIII of the Criminal Code specifically stipulates accountability for:

5. Imposture is not allowed, violates will be punished as the regulation stipulates.

6. Bargainer: One who bargains or stipulates; specifically, in law , the party in a contract who stipulates to sell and convey property to another by bargain and sale

7. The job advertisement stipulates that the applicant must have three years' experience.

8. Constitutionalism in Zambia stipulates the existence of political institutions that is the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary

9. Synonyms for Agrees include provides, stipulates, specifies, demands, instructs, postulates, states, determines, imposes and requires

10. Article 39 of the law stipulates that “advertising and teleshopping shall be fair and honest.

11. The Schengen Protocol clearly stipulates a line of communication between the first and third pillars.

12. Therefore, the exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence stipulates in many countries " criminal procedure. "

13. 2 This stipulates that a polluter should pay for the repair of environmental damage.

14. The standard agreement stipulates that before embarking, the recruiter will advance part of the engagé’s wages.

15. Article # paragraph # of the Constitution stipulates that admission and deportation of aliens is regulated by law

16. The directive stipulates that the airbag should be de-activated if a rear-facing child restraint is used.

17. Article 3, paragraph 6, of the Constitution stipulates that admission and deportation of aliens is regulated by law.

18. The contract stipulates that Veolia would provide consultancy services to Egged until the company acquired the necessary expertise.

19. The PPA also stipulates that Enron ' s power would be indexed to the dollar and oil prices .

20. Article 128 of the Code of Civil Procedure also stipulates that civil actions must be heard in public.

21. The structure of the Swiss militia system stipulates that the soldiers keep their Army issued equipment, including all personal weapons, at home.

22. e) Government Decree # of # on civil registration, article # stipulates that the birth of abandoned newborns must be registered

23. Taekwondo, unlike karate, stipulates that beginners must master all the basic techniques before attempting to practise the patterns.

24. We will not, under any circumstances, accept an agreement which stipulates a peaking order for our emissions.

25. The Broadcast Act stipulates that broadcasters shall, in principle, include educational programs in their domestic television broadcasts.

26. Swiss law stipulates that assets held in a joint account are initially divided proportionally between the clients.

27. Article 21 stipulates that the drowning of infants, abandonment and any other acts causing serious harm to infants, and infanticide, shall be prohibited.

28. Article 3, paragraph 6 of the Constitution stipulates that admission and deportation of aliens is regulated by law.

29. The law further stipulates that children of foreigners born in Indonesia are eligible to apply for Indonesian citizenship.

30. Article # stipulates that the drowning of infants, abandonment and any other acts causing serious harm to infants, and infanticide, shall be prohibited

31. For instance, Li stipulates that a practitioner of Falun Gong must "not hit back when attacked, not talk back when insulted."

32. The Criminal Code stipulates punishment for infanticide by the mother, failure to support children or pay alimony, and abuse of tutorship responsibilities.

33. The Controllability principle stipulates that the evaluation of a manager should be based only on elements that are under the manager’s control

34. On the other hand, the prefix “an” stipulates a disparity in the meaning from the root word, thus Anisotropic means the complete opposite of isotropic.

35. 7 Students must mastery not only episteme and ability, which didactical outline stipulates, but also ways and means mathematic thinking, that can develop their thinking.

36. 30 Now "The Decision to Punish Breach of Company Act", issued by NPC, stipulates for the accusation of Commercial Bribery Crime for the first time.

37. With regard to the administration of community property, article 40 stipulates that the management and administration of acquests shall be the responsibility of both spouses, jointly or separately.

38. The Act stipulates that the eldest adult woman member be designated the head of the household on the ration card for access to the public distribution system.

39. The Commission stipulates in its proposal that it wishes to support in priority strategies aiming at the improvement of jobs and/or activities for those targeted groups.

40. Broadly, the law declares wild horses and Burros to be “living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West” and stipulates that the BLM and the U.S

41. The accrual accounting stipulates that revenue be recorded in the financial periods in which it is earned and expenses in the periods when the goods and services are delivered.

42. Chapter 17 of the Penal Code stipulates the penalty of hindrance to marriage and family, including crimes related to the violation of monogyny, the chaste duty, and the family supervisory authority.

43. The memorandum also stipulates that, in hiring local employees, the UN must abide by criteria including the respect for Islamic values and traditions, which entails clear discrimination on the grounds of religion and gender.

44. With regard to compulsory education, the eighth strategic basis of the seventh development plan (A.H. 1420-1425 (2000-2005)) stipulates that primary education is compulsory for both boys and girls.

45. In this context, the United States Congress passed the Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act, which stipulates the purposes and conditions for US economic and security assistance to Pakistan.

46. The Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT) specifically stipulates that management should establish procedures to ensure timely action relating to suspending and closing of user accounts.

47. The Regulation stipulates the relevant management of foreign currency policy for conversion and transferring of the property of emigrant and inheritance property into foreign currency out of China.

48. The agreement also stipulates the establishment of a joint committee for cooperation, whose responsibility is to implement this agreement and other agreements or protocols signed based on this.

49. Clause 2(e) of the agreement stipulates that "the service charges for the applicant, who apply online, for both the categories of service, would be 75% of the basic service charges”.

50. Balkline billiards stipulates that you cannot receive points from a shot where the balls are in the same area (often the table is divided into 8 sections) of the table.

51. A revision clause stipulates that the Commission may propose a revision of the text five years after the deadline for transposing the Directive, in the light of experience acquired in applying it.

52. Examples of Biogenetic law in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Take Haeckel’s pet theory, the Biogenetic law, which stipulates that the development of each embryo in utero echoes the evolution of its remote ancestors

53. The proposed Directive stipulates that Member States will take all appropriate measures to promote and support the accelerated development of advanced television services in the wide-screen 16:9 format and using 625 or 1,250 lines.

54. The provision governing stopovers appearing in Rule 7773, Advance Purchase Excursion Fares between Canada and the Caribbean/IATA Resolution 073J, of Air Canada's tariff, stipulates that two stopovers are permitted, subject to payment of CAD$120 for each stopover.

55. 5 Clause 17 of the contract stipulates that [a]ny dispute between the Commission and the beneficiary which arises out of the performance of the ... contract and which it had not been possible to settle amicably between the parties will be brought before the Brussels courts.

56. The applicant therefore relies on Article 17 of the draft, entitled ‘Jurisdiction clause and applicable law’, which stipulates that, ‘in the event of a dispute, and failing amicable agreement, the Court of Justice of the European Communities shall have jurisdiction’.

57. For action grants, Article 4 of the founding decision stipulates that the JCIV funds specific transnational projects involving at least two Member States or at least one Member State and one other State, which may be either an acceding country or a candidate country.

58. Article 8, paragraph 7, of Cabinet Decision No. 185 of 2/5 A.H. 1387 (8 August 1967) stipulates that social welfare homes for boys and girls shall organize day and residential care for children at these homes and ensure that religious observances are performed at the correct times.

59. Is Pan-Arabism the same as Arab nationalism? Arab nationalism is the “sum total” of the characteristics and qualities exclusive to the Arab nation, whereas pan-Arab unity is the modern idea that stipulates that the separate Arab countries must unify to form a single state under one political system.

60. Stipulates: “Courts shall hold hearings on all working days; the hearings shall be public unless for reasons of morality or decency it is deemed necessary or Advisable that they should be held in private.” Article # (b) of the Code of Civil Procedure provides that hearings shall be public unless there is an express judicial decision to the

61. Article 744 of the Civil Code states that persons not legally incapacitated may inherit, while article 996 stipulates that, unless the judgement of incapacity on grounds of physical or mental illness or deficiencies provides otherwise, a person under curatorship may, with the assistance of the curator, accept the inheritance, either absolutely or under benefit of inventory.

62. whereas Ibrahim Halawa is being detained for peacefully exercising his rights to freedom of expression and assembly and is considered by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience; whereas freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are indispensable pillars of any democratic and pluralist society; whereas Article 73 of the Egyptian Constitution stipulates that citizens shall have the right to organise public meetings, marches, demonstrations and all forms of peaceful protest;

63. With respect to physical punishment of pupils by teachers, article # paragraph # of the Enforcement Decree of the Elementary and Middle School Education Act stipulates that “When the chief of school educates pupils in accordance with the regulations specified in article # paragraph # of the Act, he/she shall employ such disciplinary or admonitory methods as not causing physical pain to pupils except in cases unavoidable for the purpose of education,” in principle prohibiting physical punishment in schools

64. With respect to physical punishment of pupils by teachers, article 31, paragraph 7 of the Enforcement Decree of the Elementary and Middle School Education Act stipulates that “When the chief of school educates pupils in accordance with the regulations specified in article 18, paragraph 1 of the Act, he/she shall employ such disciplinary or admonitory methods as not causing physical pain to pupils except in cases unavoidable for the purpose of education,” in principle prohibiting physical punishment in schools.