Use "stingrays" in a sentence

1. Three stingrays glide past like abandoned white pocket handkerchiefs.

2. Benthic fish which can bury themselves include dragonets, flatfish and stingrays

3. Ocellate river stingrays are sometimes kept in captivity, with requirements similar to other members of Potamotrygon.

4. 18 The results suggest that the substances in the membrane-coated, electron- lucent granules in eosinophilic cells may be the key factor in the envenomation by Stingrays.

5. ‘This is the third year that we have caught baby Arapaimas.’ ‘Nearby in the Graham Amazon gallery visitors can gaze at 7 foot Arapaimas, catfish the size of bulldogs, beautiful tiger stingrays, giant anacondas, electric eels, two toed sloths and creepy piranhas.’

6. Amanda has visited over 12 different countries where she has Canyoned down waterfalls, whitewater rafted, ziplined through rainforests, gone on safaris, swam with sharks and stingrays, released sea turtle hatchlings, rode horseback up volcanoes, snorkeled in the Great Barrier Reef, participated in community service, and more.

7. The Benthonic fauna of the abyssal zone contains a large number of: a) crabs and worms b) lobsters and sea urchins c) sharks d) stingrays e) jellyfish ; Question: The Benthonic fauna of the abyssal zone contains a large number of: a) crabs and worms b) lobsters and sea urchins c) …

8. One of them is devoted to African cichlids, two of them are Asian, one represents the seashore with mangroves and is inhabited by crayfish, in the second one labyrinth fish prevail and the last three are from the Americas (Dutch with tetras) ‘black Amazon’ inhabited by angelfish and the last one is dominated by Amazon arowanas and freshwater stingrays.