Use "stimulants" in a sentence

1. Amphetamines are synthetic stimulants

2. Most of those are stimulants.

3. The lime promotes the release of alkaloid stimulants.

4. You know, like stimulants, amphetamines.

5. These are stimulants that can keep you awake .

6. Stimulants enhance the activity of the central and peripheral nervous systems.

7. Other measures include the discontinuation of nicotine or stimulants use.

8. There is an acute need for controlled experimental studies of drug reaction, not only to depressants but also to stimulants and to combinations of depressants, stimulants, and Ataraxics

9. The term Analeptics refers to convulsants and respiratory stimulants (i.e

10. Whereas attractants, repellents, and many incitants are olfactory substances , stimulants, and deterrents are usually gustatory.

11. I am confident our growth is, unlike China’s, not dependent on external stimulants.

12. Some alcoholic drinks, such as Buckfast Tonic Wine, contain caffeine and other stimulants.

13. 15 For example, dozens of studies have shown that stimulants improve attentiveness.

14. Amphetamines speed up the brain and are highly addictive central nervous system stimulants.

15. Appetite stimulants are medications, supplements, or other substances that increase a person’s feeling of hunger

16. There is an acute need for controlled experimental studies of drug reaction, not only to depressants but also to stimulants and to combinations of depressants, stimulants, and Ataraxics." In 1963, the U.S

17. But both of these contain caffeine and other chemical stimulants which are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.

18. 16 Psychoactive substances are commonly grouped according to whether they are stimulants , depressants, or hallucinogen.

19. In The Culling, melee is king, and a few non-FDA-approved stimulants to enhance your combat effectiveness never hurt

20. Amphetamines are a class of central nervous system stimulants with a similar chemical structure, including amphetamine, methamphetamine, dextroamphetamine, ephedrine, and …

21. 20 Scalp stimulants can help to revitalise dormant hair follicles by increasing the blood flow to the scalp.

22. Amphetamines are a class of central nervous system stimulants with a similar chemical structure, including amphetamine, methamphetamine, dextroamphetamine, ephedrine, and others

23. Stimulants in general have Anorectic properties but not all are approved by the FDA for that use

24. What are Amphetamines (am·feh·tuh·meenz)? Amphetamines are a class of drugs that are stimulants

25. The revised law also will give the Austrian police investigating illegal use of stimulants in the police with greater authority.

26. Stimulants and narcotics never act so quickly upon persons accustomed to use spirits freely as upon those who live Abstemiously.

27. Results: Opioid prescriptions (12.8%) were most frequently involved in multiple provider episodes followed by benzodiazepines (4.2%), stimulants (1.4%), and Anorectics (0.9%), respectively

28. Amphetamines is the name given to a group of synthetic stimulants which are chemically similar to adrenaline, the hormone used for 'fight or flight' emergencies

29. Prior to polling day the government announced a new package of economic stimulants including public works expenditure and tax cuts.

30. Beaner is a master at losing mobile phones and staying awake for long periods of time without the aid of stimulants

31. Beaner is a master at losing mobile phones and staying awake for long periods of time without the aid of stimulants

32. Oral, nasal or by injection Definition and desired effects Stimulants directly affect the central nervous system, accelerating thought processes, increasing alertness, and reducing or delaying fatigue.

33. An Analeptic is any drug, such as doxapram, that stimulates the central nervous system. Amphetamines are classified as Analeptics, or central nervous system stimulants

34. Drug use among young people, especially of amphetamine-type stimulants, was increasing at an alarming rate, and that peril must absolutely not be ignored.

35. Analeptics are central nervous system stimulants that include a wide variety of medications used to treat depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and respiratory depression.

36. Environmental cues that trigger Chlamydospore formation in fungi are usually species specific and include nutrients, osmolarity, light, pH, temperature, air, drug treatment, and plant stimulants

37.  Arouseis formulated with traditional aphrodisiacal ingredients (such as Maca, Damiana, Suma, and Ashwagandha), as well as natural stimulants, including Spilanthes Acmella, or Buzz Buttons.

38. In the first case bronchospasmolytic Antireactive agents (beta 2-stimulants, antimuscarinic agents, theophyllines) should be used, whereas, in the second case, the first choice drugs are corticosteroids

39. Amphetamine Salts are central nervous system stimulants that work to restore imbalance of the brain by increasing mental alertness and improving the ability to focus

40. You didn't have to share Tom Wolfe's "tiny mummies" disdain for the New Yorker's heritage to feel that the times demanded madder humor and stronger stimulants.

41. Other Analeptics A number of other Analeptic drugs have been used as respiratory stimulants as they were thought to have a selective action on the respiratory centre in the medulla

42. 28 The response of the sensillar field on the maxillary palp of the cockroach was studied for different stimulants such as four salts, three sugars, eighteen amino acids and bovine serum albumin .

43. Specific import authorisation procedures are necessary to monitor individual import consignments of Category # substances in order to prevent diversion at an early stage and in particular to address the growing problem of amphetamine-type stimulants

44. I would like to encourage the Commissioner and the Commission to begin focusing on alternative methods of animal husbandry to replace and render superfluous the present consumption of antibiotic growth stimulants.

45. Accentrate contains Brain Ready™ Nutrition, providing a healthy, unique combination of high-quality lipids and vitamins to help manage inattention, mood disorders, and ADHD without the side effects of stimulants or drug-like drugs.

46. Bandera (Sshe Retina Stimulants, Sigillum S, The Sodality, Iugula-Thor, etc.), Andrea Chiaravalli (Iugula-Thor), both from Milan, and Mark Solotroff (Anatomy of Habit, Bloodyminded, The Fortieth Day, Intrinsic Action, etc.), from Chicago.

47. Accentrate® contains Brain Ready® Nutrition providing a healthy, unique combination of high-quality lipids and vitamins to help manage inattention, emotional dysregulation, and hyperactivity without stimulants or drug-like side effects

48. Aromatic adjective Referring to a substance with a fragrant–usually due to the presence of volatile oils noun A general term for an herbal medicine with a fragrant odor, many of which are said to be mild stimulants

49. Specific import authorisation procedures are necessary to monitor individual import consignments of Category 1 substances in order to prevent diversion at an early stage and in particular to address the growing problem of amphetamine-type stimulants.

50. ‘Stimulants, antidepressants, lithium, Anticonvulsants and clonidine have all been used in the treatment of conduct disorder.’ ‘Recent studies have found that statins may protect against risk of fracture, whereas several Anticonvulsants, corticosteroids, and oral anticoagulants may have a moderate effect to reduce bone mineral density.’

51. Both methamphetamine and Amphetamines are potent stimulants that affect the brain, leading to higher physical energy, greater sense of well-being, paranoia and anxiety, less need for sleep and food, and elevated mood, body temperature, and heart rate

52. Analeptic Stimulants have been used in the treatment of binge eating disorder following a large industry-sponsored multisite placebo-controlled study that demonstrated symptom reduction associated with lisdexamfetamine (LDX), which became the first medication to receive FDA approval for treatment of binge eating disorder in adults.

53. Comedowns (also referred to as crashes or hangovers) is the deterioration of one's mental and physical state that occurs during the offset of a psychoactive substance, most commonly stimulants but can occur with most drug classes such as opiates or alcohol

54. In order to address the heightened concern about the production of amphetamine-type stimulants, import control mechanisms for the main synthetic drug precursors should be further strengthened through common procedures and requirements allowing individual consignment-based controls to be carried out.

55. What is Accentrate™? Accentrate™ is a nutritional supplement formulated to improve weak attention, memory, and focus — deficiencies commonly associated with attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD).Fenix Health Science developed Accentrate™ as an alternative to stimulants for the management of ADHD in adults and children.

56. ‘Stimulants, antidepressants, lithium, Anticonvulsants and clonidine have all been used in the treatment of conduct disorder.’ ‘Recent studies have found that statins may protect against risk of fracture, whereas several Anticonvulsants, corticosteroids, and oral anticoagulants may have a moderate effect to reduce bone mineral density.’

57. Chained_bear commented on the word Botargo "Greek olives and French capers were imported as appetite stimulants and, by the end of Elizabeth's reign, anchovies were arriving along with Botargo, a Mediterranean relish made of grey mullet or tuna roes."--Kate Colquhoun, Taste: The Story of Britain Through Its Cooking (NY: Bloomsbury, 2007), 94

58. One of the leaders of modern psychiatry, Leon Eisenberg, a professor at Johns Hopkins and then Harvard Medical School, who was among the first to study the effects of stimulants on attention deficit disorder in children, wrote that American psychiatry in the late twentieth century moved from a state of “Brainlessness” to one of