Use "stilbene" in a sentence

1. The iodoAcetamide derivative of stilbene (4-Acetamido-4'-((iodoacetyl) amino)stilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid, disodium salt) is readily conjugated to thiols

2. Gnetucleistol B is the first cis stilbene isolated from the genus Gnetum.

3. The present invention is related to a pharmaceutical composition suitable for the treatment and/or the prevention of atherosclerosis from infectious origin, which comprises an adequate pharmaceutical carrier, a corticosteroid and a stilbene-type alexin, preferably further comprising a flavonoïd to regenerate the stilbene and/or to increase the effect of the latter.

4. Bromination Summary: The reaction of bromine with (E)-stilbene is a classic reaction performed as an example of an electrophilic addition reaction of alkenes

5. Experiment 11: Bromination of Stilbene In the experiment entitled Steam Distillation, you demonstrated that eugenol has one or more carbon-carbon double bonds by reacting it with bromine, Br 2, and observing the discharge of the reddish-brown color of bromine as …