Use "stifling" in a sentence

1. His helmet is stifling.

2. The Abnegation (selfless) are stifling.

3. The room was stifling hot.

4. He was killed by stifling.

5. At she found family life stifling.

6. I can't bear this stifling humidity.

7. Stifling air, smog floats over my head

8. Despair hangs heavy in the stifling air.

9. It's stifling in here; open a window!

10. 4 synonyms for Crushing: quelling, stifling, suppression, devastating

11. He was still stifling his baby sister's cries.

12. Inequality is stifling human growth and potential and economies.

13. 'It's stifling in here-can we open a window?'

14. The Buffs’ stifling defense keeps the Seminole tandem of M.J

15. His body temperature rises as stifling heat saps his strength.

16. At one, in the stifling heat, we took a siesta.

17. The heat in the narrow packed streets was stifling.

18. We should be encouraging new ideas, not stifling them.

19. Several hundred people were crammed into the stifling room.

20. I felt I was stifling in the airless room.

21. Life at home with her parents and two sisters was stifling.

22. Teachers have been attacked for stifling creativity in their pupils.

23. It was difficult to work in the stifling heat of the warehouse.

24. Cattlemen stepmothers aftershaft scolex detains mendelevium stifling Garoua haquebut wisp's Carefulnesses

25. Although many students adored Albers, others found him inflexible and stifling.

26. The stifling heat of the little room was beginning to make me nauseous.

27. We were stifling in that hot room with all the windows closed.

28. Her face seemed ageless in the dim light, and she was stifling shivers.

29. 22 Tempers frayed in the stifling atmosphere of blaring speakers and flashing lights.

30. A clever way of stifling discussion and few could have done it so well.

31. Synonyms for Asphyxiating include choking, smothering, stifling, strangling, strangulating, suffocating, throttling, constricting, drowning and killing

32. She remained a whole day and night in that stifling environment, yet remained unharmed.

33. Motivating oneself . Emotional self - control -- delaying gratification and stifling impulsiveness -- underlies accomplishment of every sort.

34. Antonyms for Amplifying include quietening, allaying, assuaging, softening, dulling, lulling, silencing, hushing, muting and stifling

35. Synonyms for Claustrophobic include confined, confining, cramped, enclosed, limited, restricted, restricting, shut in, stifling and suffocating

36. 27 The little rooms were hot and stifling, and with Tigress there he found them suffocating.

37. It was another quiet , hot, untroubled day, the heat pressed heavily on the roof, stifling sound.

38. The room was airless and putrid and stifling hot, the window lavender with either twilight or dawn.

39. Far from stifling your growth, accepting your parents’ guidance may be the quickest route to mature adulthood.

40. The Consumption of feces-contaminated water, the stifling heat, and the lack of supplies increased the sick list fearfully.

41. However, for the present, these characteristics are largely contained within the stifling constraints of the music industry's commodity forms.

42. The people have the spirit to overthrow oppression, but their imagination can't yet cope with overturning their stifling bureaucracy.

43. With the way she had carried on smiling, stifling the grief, putting on her brave face to the world?

44. Despite the fact that it was October and cool in the mountains, the heat in the small space was stifling.

45. If office Cliques are creating a toxic work environment and stifling your productivity, it might be time to get another job

46. By then I had stepped outside to get some fresh air, away from the stifling smoke and heat of the temple.

47. Crucial Quote “Absent a court order, Google will continue executing its Anticompetitive strategy, crippling the competitive process, reducing consumer choice, and stifling innovation.

48. Bangladesh is witnessing democratic backsliding over its electoral system, attempts at stifling political opposition, and threats to freedom of expression, Riaz said

49. That unseasonably warm autumn day carried with it stifling heat and high humidity that sapped the runners’ energy and tested their endurance.

50. To time's Bemisted traveller, 'Beware, beware!' The mist has gathered round us on all sides, Stifling the burdened air, Dissolving sun, and sea, and cliff

51. Thus the effects of neutralisation capacity and stifling of bacterial activity need to be distinguished in designing concrete mixtures to provide good acid resistance.

52. Based on the stifling experience of a sensitive educated woman in her family, the novelette reveals the oppression of women from the prison, their patriarchal families.

53. Barbarians to Bureaucrats presents a brilliant new solution to a stubborn old business problem: how to halt a company's descent into wasteful, stifling bureaucracy

54. In addition to stifling communication, resulting resentment may affect the couple’s sexual relations, or their mutual efforts in handling the budget or in dealing with each other’s relatives.

55. Tr.v. Bucked, buck·ing, bucks Informal To pass (a task or duty) to another, especially so as to avoid responsibility: "We will see the stifling of initiative and the increased bucking of decisions to …

56. ‘The Brevity of the short film format, sadly, undermines the good intentions of the filmmakers.’ ‘Conversely, the shorter numbers are often stifling in their Brevity.’ ‘Indeed, the only thing particularly remarkable about the story is it relative Brevity.’

57. Or perhaps this is just the ways things are meant to end the leaky vaccine theory is the perfect "**** you" from nature to humanity for actions of stifling life and Bastardising the natural order

58. ‘The Brevity of the short film format, sadly, undermines the good intentions of the filmmakers.’ ‘Conversely, the shorter numbers are often stifling in their Brevity.’ ‘Indeed, the only thing particularly remarkable about the story is it relative Brevity.’

59. Crushing: 1 adj physically or spiritually devastating; often used in combination “a Crushing blow” “a Crushing rejection” “bone- Crushing ” Synonyms: devastating destructive causing destruction or much damage n forceful prevention; putting down by power or authority Synonyms: quelling , stifling , suppression Types: crackdown severely

60. Last update: September 16, 2019 Vampire: Elder Kindred Network's fourth expansion for Vampire: the Eternal Struggle is Anarchs Unbound, which focuses on the rabble-rousing revolutionaries of the Anarch Movement - those Kindred who reject the Traditions of the Camarilla and stifling order of their elders.

61. Evie Shockley's "separation anxiety," for example, is a moving tale about family relationships and the many ways that home can be both secure and stifling; Tananarive Due's "Like Daughter" Chillingly recasts childrearing's nature-vs.-nurture debate while telling a poignant story of lifelong friendship.

62. ‘The women are collective composites of art and Artifice, fact and fiction.’ ‘The public meeting has decayed, and what voters see on TV is constructed around Artifice and falsehood.’ ‘With their knowing Artifice, the works achieved a stifling kind of perfection.’ ‘Dogme is dedicated to ridding cinema of Artifice and superficiality.’

63. Cramped by the beat and the strings or synth washes hovenng Airlessly, it's no wonder that even the best of soul's descendants, like Ashford and Simpson, Freddy Jackson, Whitney Houston and Anita Baker, have been reduced to either brandishing their vocal bravura in a stifling near-vacuum or fitting themselves into increasingly mechanistic productions.