Use "stick out" in a sentence

1. His ears stick out.

2. His front teeth stick out.

3. Please stick out your tongue.

4. The author's prejudices stick out all over.

5. Paul's ears stick out a bit, don't they.

6. He would have clearly liked to stick out.

7. I wish my stomach didn't stick out so much.

8. All they do is stick out the glad hand.

9. Bass have a jaw that stick out like this.

10. His chest stick out when he breathed in deeply.

11. Spread your arms, open your mouth, stick out your tongue.

12. I hated to expose myself, to emerge, to stick out.

13. Can you stick out whether it is true or not?

14. It pulled a long curved stick out of a holster.

15. The rector had fished a stick out of the wood basket.

16. The workers determined to stick out until they have their demands granted.

17. He told him to stick out his tongue and held his hand.

18. 6 The rector had fished a stick out of the wood basket.

19. Against whom do you open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue?

20. He is determined to stick out the race even if he finishes last.

21. They wrote the notice in big red letters so that it would stick out.

22. The demonstration may be repeated by pulling the stick out 4-5 inches more.

23. They walked like roly-poly dolls, their heavily padded sleeves making their arms stick out.

24. A bunch of cons wearing their prison blues would stick out like a sore thumb.

25. A report of you obstructing another officer's investigation might stick out on your personnel file.

26. To stick out or be swollen: The girl’s cheek Bulged with a wad of gum

27. A man's shoes, rolled-up toothpaste tubes and Styrofoam cups stick out of the muck.

28. 21 A man's shoes, rolled-up toothpaste tubes and Styrofoam cups stick out of the muck.

29. In the sun Golden Gate Bridge appears really golden, during foggy days its towers stick out of the clo...

30. Where the roots stick out the bank gives way to a hollow where the buffaloes are tethered during the day.

31. If the width is the same and the Backspacing is lower than your current wheels, the wheel will stick out further

32. And what I'm trying to do is get that ficus back there to stick out of her head like a ponytail.

33. 25 After only one or two trials, many bees learned to stick out their tonguelike proboscis in anticipation of a sugary droplet.

34. My favorite dinosaur footprints along the parkway are the "Brontosaur Bulges." Instead of sticking into the rock, these footprints stick out

35. (Isaiah 28:20) Anyone stretching himself out on a bed that is too short finds that his feet stick out in the cold.

36. Almost everyone has some Affectations, but people with a lot of them stick out like sore thumbs and they don't even know it.

37. Ep 7: Blindsided Nico settles into life as the number two on deck but questions if he has the longevity to stick out the season

38. If the piles are more severe and continually stick out, it may be that a procedure to cut, Cauterize or otherwise remove them may be required

39. Structures that stick out sideways from a vertical support are Cantilevers (hold your arm straight out from your body and it becomes a kind of cantilever).

40. I have an image texture as a normal map, and I want to use a noise texture to "flatten out" the Bumpiness of it, where the noise is white, and make it stick out where it's black

41. If you are willing to do this, you can take a couple of drops of a bitter substance or a sour substance, and you'll see that face, the tongue stick out, the wrinkled nose, as if they're trying to get rid of what's in their mouth.

42. Chorion - the outermost membranous sac enclosing the embryo in higher vertebrates (reptiles, birds and mammals) amniote - any member of the Amniota Chorionic villus - one of the tiny villi that stick out of the fetal Chorion and combine with the mother's uterine tissue to form the placenta

43. Centrioles also play a major part in the formation of cilia and flagella, structures made of microtubules that stick out of the cell and help the cell move around (the tail of a sperm cell is an example of a flagellum) or catch and move things (the cilia on our lung cells move mucus out of our lungs).