Use "steering committee" in a sentence

1. I’m happy to be part of the strong governance team on the Steering Committee.” 2021 Awarn STEERING COMMITTEE

2. They also chair the majority party's steering committee in the House.

3. There two Vice-Chancellors from each country on this Steering Committee.

4. The steering committee will be chaired by one such ‘wise person’.

5. Asteris 4th Steering Committee Meeting held online on the 3rd November 2020

6. We've been putting in some hours for the party's Election Steering Committee. Oh.

7. It began as an Observer country at the 9th Steering Committee Meeting in 2006.

8. U niversity Steering Committee on Environment ( USCE ) is the environmental policy maker in CUHK.

9. submit to the Steering Committee proposals for training activities in the next academic year

10. Strengthen the coordinating role of the Steering Committee of the ESRB and adjusting its composition;

11. Steering Committee that manages the use and distribution of the Who are You? film and toolkit.

12. The Agency shall be managed by a Steering Committee and a Director appointed by the Commission

13. The Regional Steering Committee consists of one representative and one alternate representative of each Contracting Party.

14. The Human Resources and Labor Relations Centralization Initiative Steering Committee met again on February 24, 2020

15. The TBG Steering Committee is working hard to ensure that all projects are compliant with the ODP.

16. Your Bolting request will be reviewed by Joshua Tree National Park's Climbing Committee and Wilderness Steering Committee

17. India was invited to be on the Steering Committee of nine countries to prepare for the OGP.

18. The Chelonian Advisory Group Steering Committee consists of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and eight additional voting members

19. A 16-member steering committee was formed and two local emergentologists acted as medical directors for the pilot.

20. ◦ A voluntary, ad hoc approach (voluntary steering committee representing existing organizations, volunteered resources, ad hoc meetings and initiatives)?

21. Then, discussions were held on common projects concerning all five Working Groups at the First Steering Committee Meeting.

22. The Steering Committee is seized of the matter, but, there has been no forward movement in this regard.

23. The Steering Committee manages day-to-day non-technical operations and admission of partners, public relations and contractual issues.

24. 25 Finally, a steering committee was formed late last year and, within two months, the organizational meeting was held.

25. PURPOSE On 17 December 2019, the Our Booris, Our Way Steering Committee presented its final report to the ACT Government

26. Secretary (ER), Shri T S Tirumurti: In fact all of them have taken part very actively in the steering committee proceedings.

27. A number of implementation issues were referred to the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) Cable High Speed Access Subgroup for resolution.


29. As a result of the public outcry that followed the NSW Government established a steering committee to investigate alternative methods of control.

30. • The multi-disciplinary “National Mission on Transformative Mobility and Battery Storage” with an Inter-Ministerial Steering Committee will be chaired by CEO NITI Aayog.

31. The Regions funding the Facility are members of a Steering Committee (SC) to provide strategic guidance and supervise the activities of the Bioregions facility.

32. The CRTC won for developing a collaborative approach to creating solutions for problems and issues in the telecommunications industry through the CRTC’s Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC).

33. We will set up a Steering Committee to draw up the Charter, bye-laws, course curriculum, governance structure, and administrative and financial issues for the University.

34. A steering committee - with members from the three EU institutions - would oversee the process, prepare the meetings of the of the conference plenary and the Agoras

35. The Steering Committee, chaired by Minister in Charge of Skill Development, will review the Mission’s activities in line with the direction set by the Governing Council.

36. Cuomo’s Executive Order 203, the Binghamton Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative Steering Committee is responsible for organizing meetings to solicit input from community members regarding improvements …

37. In March 1972, Stan Craven, then chairman of the local Wildlife Society, arranged the formation of a steering committee for the proposed development of Ilanda Wilds.

38. We convened a pan-Canadian Oncology Symptom Triage and Remote Support (Costars) Steering Committee including researchers, an information systems researcher, library scientist, advanced practice nurses, and nurse leaders.

39. The Committee commends the State party on establishing, through the decree of the Prime Minister in April # a Steering Committee led by the Ministry of Labor to reform the # abor Law

40. The Seventh Steering Committee Meeting has, in September 2010, finalized all the modalities of the University and plans are now afoot for the first meeting of the Governing Board of the SAU to be convened.

41. In Canada where the provinces and territories often greet federal health initiatives with suspicion, CPSS has partly overcome this obstacle by taking advantage of the voluntary relationship with clinicians and academicians on the CPSS Steering Committee and Study Groups.

42. Antiemetic GUIDELINES: MASCC/ESMO Changes: The Steering Committee has clarified some points: 2016: •A footnote clarified that aprepitant 165 mg is approved by regulatory authorities in some parts of the world ( although no randomised clinical trial has investigated this dose )

43. The Canadian Perinatal Health Report - 2000, prepared by Health Canada's Bureau of Reproductive and Child Health and the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System Steering Committee, provides information on numerous reproductive indicators.12 Abruptio placentae, and other placental conditions such as placentae previa, are not monitored, however.

44. • Follow through on work group recommendations When considering the commitment at the Departmental level to participate in the first wave of the Common Shared Services initiative, the MIMS Steering Committee concluded that the integration of MIMS and Abacus at this time is not justifiable.

45. In line with the ratification of CRC, a Steering Committee was appointed by Cabinet in 1994 to review existing legislation and policies relating to children and make recommendations to Cabinet on the adequacy of existing legislation/policies and the need to formulate new laws/policies to bring Samoa into line with the provisions of CRC.

46. Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan met in Islamabad in 2002 and decided to implement the project, they signed a framework agreement in 2002, preliminary feasibility studies were done by the ADB and the Indian Government then requested ADB for joining the project as an official member in 2006, and we became a formal member of the project during the 10th Steering Committee in 2008.

47. NEW YORK, March 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Members of the Steering Committee of the Ad Hoc Group of Buenos Aires Bondholders (the "Group"), who are beneficial owners under eleven series of outstanding Notes with an aggregate principal amount of more than $7.1 billion (the "Notes") issued by the Province of Buenos Aires (the "Province"), filed claims today in the United States District …

48. After consultation with the other Party and referral of the matter to the Steering Committee has failed to settle the matter Amicably within a reasonable period of time, a Party may terminate the Agreement where that Party is of the opinion that there are reasonable grounds to believe that further cooperation pursuant to the Agreement is not possible, because the mutual basis of trust has

49. Le comité directeur Adopte son règlement intérieur.: The Rules of Procedure of the Board shall be Adopted by the Steering Committee.: La Commission Adopte les modifications des présents Statuts.: Amendments to the present statute shall be Adopted by the Commission.: Le comité Adopte son règlement de procédure.: The Committee shall adopt its own rules of procedure.

50. Expressing its strong concern about recruitment and use of children by Taliban forces in Afghanistan as well as the killing and maiming of children as a result of the conflict, supporting the decree by the Minister of the Interior reaffirming the government’s commitment to preventing violations of the rights of the child dated 6 July 2011, welcoming the establishment of the Afghan Inter-Ministerial Steering Committee on Children and Armed Conflict and the subsequent signing by the Afghan Government of the action plan, and its annex, on children associated with national security forces in Afghanistan and calling for the full implementation of the provisions of the plan, in close cooperation with UNAMA,