Use "steady decline" in a sentence

1. There was a steady decline in the moral condition of mankind.

2. Television has contributed to the steady decline of solemnity in the courtroom.

3. Dramatic advances in microelectronics bring in their wake a steady decline in manual labour.

4. Notwithstanding a steady decline in numbers, the school has had a very successful year.

5. The second half of the 20th century saw the steady decline of ironmongers’ shops.

6. It is continuing a steady decline with an unemployment rate of 8.9% as of March 2012.

7. 28 When Lord Leverhulme abandoned Lewis, the crofting villages seemed doomed to a steady decline and eventual extinction.

8. The Bombay ^ mills , , which had earned a profit of Rs 2.35 crores in 1905 , experienced a steady decline in their profits and were in the red from 1910 to 1914 .

9. Balkans - Balkans - Formation of nation-states: While the 18th century in the Balkans was dominated by the steady decline of Ottoman power, the outstanding feature of the 19th century was the creation of nation-states on what had been Ottoman territory