Use "staunchly" in a sentence

1. Daniel was raised in a staunchly religious family in Ireland.

2. Siri was viewed then—and throughout his life—as staunchly conservative.

3. He is a Jew in a staunchly and even Arrogantly Christian country

4. Synonyms for Contumaciously include obstinately, firmly, resolutely, staunchly, tenaciously, unwaveringly, doggedly, determinedly, steadfastly and persistently

5. The value and importance of Brahms's achievements were recognized by Vienna's most powerful critic, the staunchly conservative Eduard Hanslick.

6. The symbol of a feminist movement staunchly against alcoholism, the Buvette des Femmes Abstinentes has been a mainstay of Parc la Grange, bringing together locals and tourists alike

7. From the beginning of the 5th Century BC, Athenian democracy and Athenian tragedy evolved side by side, and Aeschylus staunchly defended both as a playwright and soldier.