Use "statistical method" in a sentence

1. The type of statistical method used to aggregate the raw measurement data on the statistical unit.

2. Simulain results confirm the efficiency of the statistical method used.

3. It'supplies a simple and easy operating statistical method for forecasting and controlling population.

4. 2 Based on the reciprocity principle of radiation transfer, a bidirectionally statistical Monte Carlo method (BSMC method) was presented.

5. The leather fibre state was quantized signifying by sample method and statistical distribution parameter.

6. Note that this method is open to the criticisms made of statistical methods above.

7. Statistical result shows that this method significantly improves the accuracy of calculate work load.

8. This shows that the statistical method of punishment intensity A number of relatively light.

9. This paper designs compositive performance indicator and improved plans by statistical method of quality control.

10. A statistical method has been developed to process photon image by accumulated limited photon images.

11. On the statistical method, the quantitative relationships among fracture parameters and the FMI data are established.

12. State Statistical Bureau. 2001 Statistical Yearbook [ M ]. Beijing: Statistical Press of China.

13. To solve this problem author used a new mathematical statistical method, namely Support Vector Machine Regression.

14. Data were abstracted and statistical analyses (random effects model, fixed effects model, and Peto’s method) were applied.

15. Further Work Statistical processing provides a simple, efficient method for picking the correct words based on local neighbourhood.

16. This method can be applied in situations where no spatial statistical data of higher positional accuracy are available.

17. A method to investigate the statistical distribution of semiconductor point-defects using the reaction-kinetics theory is proposed.

18. Boosted trees are a statistical learning method that attains both of these objectives for regression and classification analyses

19. Quantitative structure activity relationship, statistical method of investigating three dimensional properties and biological activities of sets of molecules.

20. In statistical time division multiplexing, Contention is a media access method that is used to share a broadcast medium

21. The latter method uses the statistical distribution stable spectrum coefficient target discrimination, actually tests the average recognition rate 78%.

22. Using mathematical statistical method, this paper studies mine transport system′s uneven load, which provides a type selection design method for transport equipment under non steady load.

23. Objective:To offer a new statistical method for quantative diagnosis of TCM by using discriminatory analysis of categorical variable data.

24. A case-study can be carried out, using almost any method of research, though the less statistical methods are usual.

25. Source: NBS, China Statistical Yearbook, various years; China Statistical Abstract 200

26. Statistical energy analysis (SEA) is a method for predicting the transmission of sound and vibration through complex structural acoustic systems.

27. Aggregate statistical analysis

28. When testing the bolt of airplane engine with ultrasonic testing, a new statistical method was introduced to decide the sensitivity standard.

29. Due to the lack of reliable meteorological inputs, statistical method is commonly used to mid-term and long-term streamflow prediction.

30. In statistical inference, a subset of the population (a statistical sample) is chosen to represent the population in a statistical analysis.

31. A Statistical Consulting and Statistical Programming Company Biometrical Solutions is a statistical consulting and statistical programming company founded in June 2010 by statistician Cemal Unal, PhD, with 21+ years experience in drug development.

32. Douglas Allen Statistical Officer:

33. Statistical Information and analysis

34. Binh Duong Statistical Office.

35. Bayesian analysis, a method of statistical inference (named for English mathematician Thomas Bayes) that allows one to combine prior information about a population parameter with evidence from information contained in a sample to guide the statistical inference process

36. 11 A relation between the saturated vapor pressure and the heat of vaporization for pure liquids has been derived by statistical thermodynamic method.

37. One-way Anova is a statistical method to test the null hypothesis (H 0) that three or more population means are equal vs

38. 25 Objective Try to apply a new statistical method to evaluate the quality of Acute Flaccid Paralysis(AFP) surveillance system in Hunan province.

39. 7 The formulae of the silt carrying capacity for the tidal flow might be obtained by statistical method using measured silt concentration directly.

40. The types of statistical methods used to aggregate raw measurement data on the statistical unit.

41. 15 Statistical techniques for manpower planning: Development of statistical methods for use in manpower planning.

42. As a conclusion, the question, if a statistical method is gender-sensitive, can only be answered by having concrete research questions and known conditions.

43. A method for determining the statistical probability that an auditory brainstem response (ABR) to an acoustic stimulus is present in a human test subject.

44. Whether to show statistical buttons

45. Japanese Baseball: A Statistical Handbook.

46. The statistical analysis is untrustworthy.

47. ‘Binh Duong Statistical Yearbook 2001’.

48. It requires not more than 4 participants but is achieving comparable statistical confidence as in method validation studies with 8–12 participants, if properly designed.

49. The statistical Areas of the United States of America comprise the metropolitan statistical Areas (MSAs), the micropolitan statistical Areas (μSAs), and the combined statistical Areas (CSAs) currently defined by the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

50. This is a statistical method. It would play a greater role in weather analysis and forecast, if it is combined with synoptic and dynamic meth...

51. Through his long association with University of Cambridge, Bartlett strongly influenced British psychological method, emphasizing a descriptive, or case study, approach over more statistical techniques

52. Without a statistical model that reflects an objective randomization, the statistical analysis relies on a subjective model.

53. All statistical calculations were two tailed.

54. The statistician diagrammed the statistical results.

55. statistical methods (Statistical methods used to compare groups for primary outcome, and for additional analyses if relevant).

56. statistical methods (Statistical methods used to compare groups for primary outcome, and for additional analyses if relevant

57. Statistical Characteristics include dispersions, autocorrelation functions

58. Bootstrapping is a powerful statistical technique

59. Bracken (Bayesian Reestimation of Abundance with KrakEN) is a highly accurate statistical method that computes the abundance of species in DNA sequences from a metagenomics sample.

60. They provided some useful statistical information.

61. It extends and complements the Generic Statistical Business Process Model by adding activities needed to support statistical production;

62. None being statistical analysis, data analysis (other than analysis of financial data), business project management or statistical education

63. Based on the measured data, the statistical distribution model and estimate value of statistical parameter were been obtained.

64. The computer program Statistical Lab (Statistiklabor) is an explorative and interactive toolbox for statistical analysis and visualization of data.

65. Comparison of statistical packages StatSoft us, Dell.

66. View an alphabetical list of statistical Classifications

67. 2006 Statistical models in agriculture: Biometrical methods

68. '''Collocations''' are identified using a statistical approach.

69. 17 They provided some useful statistical information.

70. Not so rapid are the statistical analyses.

71. Allows customized sampling scenarios through statistical sampling.

72. Statistical analysis of data using computer programs

73. 3.4.6 Statistical Control Charts for Autocorrelated Data

74. Mahalanobis used to emphasize on statistical craftsmanship.

75. Avert’s Statistical Module It is recommended that computers operating Avert’s Statistical Module have at least 2 GB of memory available

76. Antifeedant (choice) and toxicity bioassays Data analysis Antifeedant activity of crude seed extract was assayed Statistical analysis of the experimental data was performed by using leaf disc method

77. Bayesian inference is a method of statistical inference in which Bayes' theorem is used to update the probability for a hypothesis as more evidence or information becomes available

78. Agent Atsumi said it was a statistical aberration.

79. This is not a treatise on statistical theory.

80. Correlation Coefficient is a statistical concept, which helps in establishing a relation between predicted and actual values obtained in a statistical experiment