Use "stamens" in a sentence


2. It has 6 stamens.

3. Five petals, Apopetalous: C (5) Five petals, gamopetalous: Epiphyllous stamens: Epipetalous stamens: A 3: Three stamens free: A 2+2: Stamens 4, 2 whorls: A 10+1: Stamens 10, diadelphous – 9 stamens unite to form one bundle and 1 other bundle: A 0: Sterile stamen (staminode) G 0: Sterile carpel (pistillode) G-Semi inferior ovary: Inferior

4. The stamens bear blue pollen.

5. There are ten straight stamens.

6. The flowers have the 10 stamens.

7. All stamens have an equal length.

8. Collectively the stamens form the Androecium.

9. The Androecium is composed of stamens

10. The Androecium is composed of stamens

11. Then, the stamens, that produce pollen.

12. Removal of stamens before pollen is released

13. Stamens are 3, 6, 9 or numerous.

14. They contain many (20 to 30) stamens.

15. There are many stamens in each flower.

16. Sepals not Auricled, stamens united, petals nearly equal

17. The six equally sized stamens are violet hairy.

18. Many papilionaceous flowers however have ten distinct stamens.

19. The Androecium is made up of stamens or microsporophylls

20. Androecium (plural androecia) The set of a flower's stamens

21. A flower has one short pistils and five stamens.

22. There are six stamens, hairy, with bright yellow anthers.

23. Androecium (plural Androecia) The set of a flower's stamens

24. Grouped around the eggs are many stamens producing pollen.

25. There are two circles, each with originally three stamens present.

26. Rich red flowers with bright orange stamens are produced in abundance.

27. Altissimo’s large single blooms are starkly contrasted by rich yellow stamens

28. The many free stamens are nearly as long as the petals.

29. There are 5 stamens opposite the floral lobes and 2 stigmas.

30. They have five sepals, five petals, 16 stamens, and four styles.

31. The longest of the about 250 stamens are 9–11 mm long.

32. Furthermore, the pollen produced from these additional stamens was significantly less viable.

33. Species characterized by two pairs of leaflets, an extrafloral nectar between the first pair of leaflets, large bracts, median and abaxial stamens little differentiated in length (Abaxials stamens a little larger).

34. At the same time, it exposes the delicate stamens to waiting insects.

35. The five stamens (male pollen-producing structures) represented Christ’s supposed five wounds.

36. Even in very small flowers, you can find... as many as # to # stamens

37. Sepals more or less Auricled at the base, stamens distinct, lower petal spurred

38. Forked Bluecurls has rather striking little flowers with long curved stamens and styles

39. All stamens are fertile and originate in a centripetal sequence (see diagram Fig.

40. The petals and stamens were initiated on a pentagonal ridge surrounding the apex.

41. The male flowers possess from three to six stamens, rarely seven to nine.

42. The flower petals fuse together, forming an insulated protective case around its stamens.

43. Androecium definition is - the aggregate of stamens in the flower of a seed plant.

44. The Androecium is formed of four stamens (rarely five), usually with two different lengths.

45. Androecia definition: the stamens of a flowering plant collectively Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

46. Androecium definition: the stamens of a flowering plant collectively Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

47. The Carpels and stamens are thus sporophylls, or fertile leaves (strictly, sporangium-bearing leaves)

48. Androecium definition: the stamens of a flowering plant collectively Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

49. The stamens are stem-like and the ovule develops from the floret apical meristem.

50. Staminodes external to the fertile stamens (3–5); oppositisepalous (alternating with the inner perianth whorl).

51. The three individual stamens of the male flowers are surrounded by just a few hairs.

52. Androecium A collection of stamens that form the male reproductive organs of a flowering plant.

53. Greenish, male flowers with obvious yellow stamens are borne in clusters along an erect stalk.

54. Stamens are composed of saclike Anthers (microsporangia) and filaments, which are stalks that support the Anthers

55. The flowers are bisexual (sometimes the stamens of the lateral flowers mey be missing) and proterandric.

56. White flowers with yellow stamens and a fragrance reminiscent of a freshly opened packet of tea.

57. Having all principal parts , namely, the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil pistils . Used of a flower.

58. For instance the Anthers In many perfect flowers, the stamens and carpels mature at different times

59. Antirrhinum flowers comprise four concentric whorls, with five sepals, five petals, four stamens, and two carpels

60. Each flower has four broad tepals enclosing four stamens that are not visible prior to anthesis.

61. Female flowers contain ten (or rarely five through abortion) sterile stamens (stamenoides) with heart-shaped anthers.

62. The five sterile stamens, or staminodes, in Parnassia palustris act both as false and as true nectaries.

63. There is adnation of traces between petals, stamens, and gynoecium and this precedes the external fusion.

64. - The flowers comprise a five-part calyx, a five-part white corolla, 10 stamens and a pistil.

65. Perianth Campanulated limb of four, valvate triangular segments stamens 4, exerted, alternating with 4 rounded obtuse scales

66. The four stamens are didynamous with the two Abaxials (anteriors) longer than the two laterals (posteriors) (Figs

67. By contrast, tubular-like ray flowers of turf achieved the ability to differentiate both fertile stamens and ovules.

68. Carpel Flowers are typically composed of four different types of floral organs: sepals, petals, stamens and Carpels.

69. In addition, the Androecium is often differentiated into middle length stamens with nutritive anthers (medium), that provide food for pollinators, and long length stamens with pollinating anthers (long), that provide pollen that is deposited on the stigma (Van der Pijl …

70. Haplostemonous Androecia have a single whorl of stamens in which each is positioned opposite a sepal (antesepalous positioning)

71. The name Antennaria refers to the projecting stamens seen on the flowers of some species, resembling insect antennae.

72. The flower primordia take a quadrangular shape when the four perianth parts and stamens are beginning to differentiate.

73. Within the floret is the Apetalous, bisexual grass flower consisting of a gynoecium (pistil) and three stamens (androecium)

74. Anthers (Figure 9.26) are discrete pollen containing units, found in the stamens of the great majority of angiosperms

75. Although less abundant and viable, pollen produced by additional stamens can effectively fertilize ovules, producing normal, healthy plants.

76. The stamens of normal flowers were fused by interweaving rows of lateral and adaxial hairs on the anthers.

77. As in the flower of P. densus, the two lateral stamens are each initiated as two separate primordia.

78. Anthers (Figure 9.26) are discrete pollen containing units, found in the stamens of the great majority of angiosperms

79. Its florets lie back against the stem, while long stamens rise from the center of each colorful throat.

80. Androecium is also called stamens, which comprises of anther and filaments while gynoecium is also called the pistil or …