Use "squids" in a sentence

1. Two groups of Cephalopods exist today: The Nautiloidea with a few species of the pearly nautilus, and the Coleoidea, containing the squids, cuttlefishes, octopods and vampire squids, which is

2. It feeds largely on fishes, particularly anchovies and sardines, with smaller quantities of shrimps and squids.

3. Cuttlefish are related to squids and octopuses – a group of molluscs known as cephalopods

4. Bivalves Bivalves belong to the invertebrate phylum Mollusca, which also includes snails, squids, and octopuses

5. Often associated with ammonites, Belemnites were similar to squids and the only had part to their

6. Cuttlefish are animals of the order Sepiida, and are marine cephalopods, small relatives of squids and nautilus

7. Cephalopods (octopuses, squids, and cuttlefish) are considered to be masters of camouflage, blending in with their environment effortlessly

8. The fresh-tasting squids are actually at their best plain and unadorned but for a splash of lemon juice.

9. Brachiopods belong to Phylum Brachiopoda, whereas bivalves belong to Phylum Mollusca, along with snails and cephalopods (e.g., octupuses and squids)

10. Chitin is a white and porous polysaccharide that forms a base for the hard shell of crustaceans like crabs, lobsters and squids

11. 47 Likes, 4 Comments - Corey Inman (@dorado_mafia) on Instagram: “Take off 🗡🚀 #Boardbill #sword #swordfish #swordfishing #ontheleader #lit #deep #squids #lights…”

12. But the shell-less ones survived and they became the most sophisticated and intelligent of all the molluscs, the squids and octopus.

13. Being designed for operation at temperatures below the "critical temperature" of at least one of their "superconductive" constituents (including Josephson effect devices or "superconductive" quantum interference devices (SQUIDS));

14. Belemnites (Belemnitida) were squid-like animals belonging to the cephalopod class of the mollusc phylum, and therefore related to ammonites of old, as well as to modern squids, octopuses and nautiluses

15. Belemnites were very squid-like in shape, sharing the same streamlined torpedo shape, but this came about through convergent evolution rather than squids being descended from Belemnites.

16. 1. designed for operation at temperatures below the 'critical temperature` of at least one of their 'superconductive` constituents (including Josephson effect devices or 'superconductive` quantum interference devices (SQUIDS));

17. Being designed for operation at temperatures below the "critical temperature" of at least one of their "superconductive" constituents (including Josephson effect devices or "superconductive" quantum interference devices (SQUIDS)); 2.

18. 1. Being designed for operation at temperatures below the "critical temperature" of at least one of their "superconductive" constituents (including Josephson effect devices or "superconductive" quantum interference devices (SQUIDS));

19. Belemnites (Belemnitida) were squid-like animals belonging to the cephalopod class of the mollusc phylum, and therefore related to the ammonites of old as well as to the modern squids, octopuses and nautiluses.

20. Some may like to eat only squids, or others might eat more krill or fish.From the two Albatross species that live in Hawaii, one of them, the Black-footed Albatross, eats mostly fish.

21. We're looking at millimeter accuracy with regard to spatial and millisecond accuracy using 306 SQUIDs -- these are superconducting quantum interference devices -- to pick up the magnetic fields that change as we do our thinking.

22. The molluscan class Cephalopoda--squids and octopuses being the most familiar examples--includes a remarkable diversity of tentacled marine predators that use a jet propulsion system to move through the water, in some cases very quickly.

23. Calamari is a dish of battered, fried squids made of either a full squid or parts of it. The word is said to come from “Calamarium,” which is a Medieval Latin word derived from “calamus,” which means reed pen

24. I'm haunted by the thought of what Ray Anderson calls " tomorrow's child, " asking why we didn't do something on our watch to save sharks and bluefin tuna and squids and coral reefs and the living ocean while there still was time.

25. I'm haunted by the thought of what Ray Anderson calls "tomorrow's child," asking why we didn't do something on our watch to save sharks and bluefin tuna and squids and coral reefs and the living ocean while there still was time.

26. I was the kind of kid who was always bugging Mom and Dad with whatever great fact I had just read about -- Haley's comet or giant squids or the size of the world's biggest pumpkin pie or whatever it was.

27. Any of various carnivorous marine mollusks of the class Cephalopoda, having a large head, a mouth with a chitinous beak surrounded by arms or tentacles, and in most species, an ink sac containing a dark fluid used for defense, and including the octopuses, squids, cuttlefishes, and nautiluses

28. Medical Definition of Cephalopoda : a class of mollusks including the squids, cuttlefishes, and octopuses that have a tubular siphon under the head, a group of muscular arms around the front of the head which are usually furnished with suckers, highly developed eyes, and usually a bag of inky fluid which can be ejected for defense or concealment

29. : any of a class (Cephalopoda) of marine mollusks including the squids, cuttlefishes, and octopuses that move by expelling water from a tubular siphon under the head and that have a group of muscular usually sucker-bearing arms around the front of the head, highly developed eyes, and usually a sac containing ink which is ejected for defense or concealment

30. Cephalopod definition is - any of a class (Cephalopoda) of marine mollusks including the squids, cuttlefishes, and octopuses that move by expelling water from a tubular siphon under the head and that have a group of muscular usually sucker-bearing arms around the front of the head, highly developed eyes, and usually a sac containing ink which is ejected for defense or concealment.

31. These small compact women, who remind me of my own grandmothers years ago, are not, as one might expect, from Silhanoukville nor are they even Cambodian. I overhear them talking among themselves in Viet, in the heavy, flat southern accent that hangs well in the humid air. When I inquire about their “que” (home village), most gestured eastward to Chau Doc, a port town on the Cambodian border. They have left home and journeyed to a neighboring country for the small privilege of selling tidbits of food from their yoke-baskets. For a moment, I wonder unreasonably if Bao, my long-lost childhood friend might be among them—a reflex or, perhaps, an affliction of trauma. So, day after day, for weeks on end, I gravitate to beach to eat grilled squids and to hear their stories.