Use "squaw root" in a sentence

1. Indian squaw, Rachel, honey.

2. Somehow, this woman - this squaw - seemed immense and, because immense, threatening.

3. The squaw turned head and shoulder and looked at her.

4. Sell your soul for that, do , dyed rags pinned round a squaw.

5. But the mention of Oxford in no way deterred the squaw, as intended.


7. Melanie started wearing her hair in stiff plaits, in the manner of a squaw.

8. Either Ira Hayes or squaw, depending on what mood the drill instructor was in.

9. Either Ira Hayes or squaw, depending on what mood the drill instructor was in

10. Spotted Eagle's squaw, Vicky, spends hundreds of hours sewing on 000 beads on to each outfit.

11. 30 Spotted Eagle's squaw, Vicky, spends hundreds of hours sewing on 000 beads on to each outfit.

12. You could also spend an exhausting day at Squaw Valley and never put on a pair of skis.

13. Cranesbill root, wild geranium , (geranium maculatum)Cranesbill root for canker sores , Cranesbill root for spell working Payntersnaturalprods

14. Licorice root.

15. Root Directory

16. & Root filesystem

17. My mother said, 'Son, you ought to have a squaw dance, kill that spirit that' s still around you.

18. Squaw Valley, when Finland and Norway took Turns to lead in a dramatic race ending in Finland's victory.

19. Some alkanet root, some deer tongue, root bark, motherwort, graveyard dirt.

20. An inCommensurable root is a real root which is not Commensurable

21. Atwater has newly renovated interiors, located near the majestic Phoenix Mountains, adjacent to prestigious Squaw Peak in North Central Phoenix

22. The first feature film made in Hollywood history, in 19 was called "The Squaw Man", directed by Cecil B. DeMille.

23. Once you get your hands on all this gold, she won't look no better than a broken-down squaw.

24. Show root layer

25. One root beer.

26. 4 synonyms for Colicroot: colic root, crow corn, star grass, unicorn root

27. The Addax Antelope that we offer to hunt from our herd on Squaw Mountain Ranch have horns that range from 30-39 inches

28. 4 synonyms for Colicroot: colic root, crow corn, star grass, unicorn root

29. Consider that Park City got 90 inches last April; Squaw Valley in the California Sierra counted 102 inches that same month.

30. Differential staining preceded differences observed in either root elongation or total Al concentrations of root Apices (terminal 2-3 mm of root).

31. Celeriac, or Celery root, is a relatively unknown root vegetable packed with nutrients

32. Square root button is used to Calculate the square root of a number

33. Root canal treatments; Root canal front tooth: From 20.000 HUF: Root canal Bicuspidal: From 24.000 HUF: Rooth canal tricuspidal: From 28.000 HUF

34. Pleurisy root Asclepias tuberosa

35. Root and tubercle vegetables

36. Where's my root beer?

37. This is the root.

38. Definition & Meaning: Word Root Cide The word root ‘Cide’ means killing or destruction

39. No root, no fruit.

40. Root Cellaring Book is an excellent resource for anyone wanting to store root vegetables

41. 30 The square root of 64 is ( and the cube root of 64 is

42. Adventitious roots, arising from the stem of the plants, are the main component of the mature root system … The spermatophyte root system is composed of a primary root that develops from an embryonically formed root meristem, and of different post-embryonic root types: lateral and Adventitious …

43. Adventitious (of a root) growing laterally from a stem rather than the main root, e.g

44. Which of the following is the value of the square root of the cube root.

45. Adventitious (of a root) growing laterally from a stem rather than the main root, e.g

46. Grab the strong tree root.”

47. Launch of Barrelhead ROOT BEER!

48. Mount root filesystem & read-only

49. Slay them, root and branch!

50. How might envy take root?

51. Kevin buys a root beer.

52. 29 Fertilization didn't significantly affect fine root diameter for Manchurian ash and Davurian larch fine root.

53. WHY did communism take root?

54. Carrots are considered root vegetables because the carrot itself is the root of the carrot plant

55. He learned to fill a root canal and to attach an artificial tooth to the root.

56. Alternaria radicina was consistently isolated both from carrots with symptoms of root dieback or rusty root and from the muck soil in which the carrots had been grown and had produced symptoms of root dieback or rusty root.

57. The deep Arroyo through which Squaw Creek wound was now only a cleft between snowdrifts--very blue when one looked down into it

58. Such a finish occurred at Squaw Valley, when Finland and Norway took Turns to lead in a dramatic race ending in Finland's victory.

59. Key words: primary afferent fibres, sciatic nerve-dorsal root preparation, dorsal root compound action potential, capsaicin, ontogeny.

60. Anchorage strength is affected by the root plate spread, root depth, and the soil type and structure.

61. 12 IBA treatment can promote the root elongate growth and the root lignification of M. hupehensis Rehd.

62. 23 Root growth is mainly determined by cell division and subsequent elongation in the root apical area. Components regulating cell division in root meristematic cells are largely unknown.

63. 27 Olive oil, wheat germ oil, beeswax, honey, comfrey root, white oak bark, mullein leaf, black walnut leaf, marshmallow root, wormwood leaf, gravel root, scullcap leaf and lobelia leaf.

64. Living root cells passively absorb water in the absence of transpiration pull via osmosis creating root pressure.

65. …tissues of the root and Coleorhiza

66. It has one root too many.

67. Trusted Root Certification Authorities Certificate Store

68. At the Root of Our Faith

69. Get in the root cellar, Rachel.

70. I stumbled over a tree root.

71. Fructose rapiddecreased during root primordium forming.

72. Earthworm channels greatly aid root growth.

73. Cornelian Cherry: Bare Root Fruit Plant

74. Blood root is a flowering plant

75. Anlet adalah brand Root Blower No

76. Viewed in the normal section, the tooth root region extends from a root circle to a useful circle.

77. (b) used as root-stock nurseries planted with root-stock varieties listed in the classification of vine varieties,

78. """ root = Copybook.parse_string(text)

79. Start studying -Cracy, -crat root words

80. 2 is the fourth root of