Use "squatted" in a sentence

1. 12 They squatted on the grass.

2. They squatted themselves before the fireplace.

3. 19 He squatted down beside the little girl.

4. The old man squatted by the fire.

5. They squatted on their haunches playing dice.

6. 23 He squatted down beside the little girl.

7. Lincoln squatted beside a hibiscus with three blossoms.

8. Tuan Ti Fo squatted, his legs folded under him, watching the boy.

9. 27 Grinning like pumpkins, the children squatted around it.

10. Behind them soldiers squatted and stood with assault rifles.

11. He squatted, grunting at the pain in his knees.

12. A female lion squatted in the shrub, waiting for her games.

13. There squatted my hated nemesis, Bogy, tied to a post.

14. Finally he broke away and went and squatted on his haunches by the stream.

15. They all squatted on the paving-stone before the rood screen.

16. 3 We squatted beside the pool and watched the diver sink slowly down.

17. You don't think that she squatted and pooped in a bag, do you?

18. He squatted impassively, as if stoically awaiting a fate he could not avoid.

19. They squatted in muddy water, slept above it,( peed in it.

20. The Borderers often squatted on almost as much as they purchased or shot at rent

21. The big bird squatted quietly against Rima's chest, but her eyes held a sulky, defiant glare.

22. 10 At the foot of the Piccadilly Line escalator at Leicester Square a drunk man squatted, singing hymns.

23. On high stools they squatted, hunched in their habitual dolour, their snouts inflamed and dripping in the irritant air.

24. He went cautiously out into the field, squatted down against a clump of thistles and began to smell the wind.

25. 15 Hazel squatted on his haunches and stared at the orderly forest of small, glaucous trees with their columns of black-and-white bloom.