Use "square centimeter" in a sentence

1. square centimeter

2. Per square centimeter.

3. An officer every square centimeter.

4. 11¿ dynes per square centimeter or more.

5. Once again, it's not a square centimeter.

6. There are # nerve receptors per square centimeter in fingertips

7. One gauss is defined as one maxwell per square centimeter.

8. There are 250 nerve receptors per square centimeter in fingertips.

9. 8¿ dynes/square centimeter at a temperature greater than about 110?

10. Weber, Maxwell, Magnetic flux quantum, Tesla square meter, Gauss square centimeter, ...

11. The energy density of the irradiated tissue is limited to the range of from about .1 joule per square centimeter to about 15 joules per square centimeter.

12. The clay mineral has a flexural strength of at least about 200 kilograms per square centimeter and a compressive strength of at least about 2,000 kilograms per square centimeter.

13. 9¿ micropores per square centimeter and a product plated with the film.

14. In 2001, it occurred in densities of up to 19 per square centimeter.

15. Actually, if you just look at your thumbnail -- about a square centimeter -- there are something like 60 billion neutrinos per second from the sun, passing through every square centimeter of your body.

16. Shipments with pieces having floor bearing weights in excess of X per square centimeter.

17. The centimeter - gram - second unit of magnetic induction , equal to one maxwell per square centimeter.

18. The density of the known locations is greater than approximately 100 locations per square centimeter.

19. It is possible to achieve a density of half a billion interconnections per square centimeter.

20. A unit equal to one gram calorie per square centimeter of irradiated surface measure solar radiation.

21. An optimal current density for producing the family is ̃ 10 milli Ampere per square centimeter (10mA/cm2).

22. The heat source and the high-efficiency diamond material have a contact area greater than 1 square centimeter.

23. 'Tack' properties of the pressure-sensitive adhesive (16) may range from 50 to 2000 grams per square centimeter.

24. They were then exposed to microwaves at 5,000, 10,000 and 15,000 microwatts per square centimeter for 30 minutes.

25. Consequently, the microfracture holes are approximately three to four millimeters apart (or 3 to 4 holes per square centimeter).

26. Healthier and with more zing per square centimeter than any other ingredient, herbs can pack a lot of punch.

27. 15¿ atoms per square centimeter, which causes the gain of the HBT to be the desired value of approximately 100.0.

28. One hectopascal is a pressure of 1000 dynes per square centimeter, where the dyne is a metric unit of force.

29. Czech scientists have reported some effects of microwave exposure at power densities as low as 100 microwatts per square centimeter.

30. In one embodiment, the multi-layer environmental barrier has a defect density of less than 10 defects per square centimeter (cm2).

31. The unique design allows for different neutron flux (number of neutrons impacting one square centimeter every second) conditions in various locations.

32. By definition, one square centimeter of a blackbody at the freezing point of platinum emits one-sixtieth of a Candela of radiation

33. It was theorized that one tenth of that figure, or 10 milliwatts (10,000 microwatts) per square centimeter, should be a safe figure.

34. The electrolytic cell is capable of conducting sustained current flows at current densities of at least about 1 ampere per square centimeter.

35. Optionally, the pores are smaller than 2 microns, are between 300 and 600 per square centimeter and the pressure is above 8 atmospheres.

36. Thus a recommended occupational safety standard of 10,000 microwatts per square centimeter was adopted in the United States in the mid-1950’s.

37. The sun is an amazing source of energy, radiating one million calories per minute for every square centimeter of its huge surface area.

38. Pretreatment values of 104P. acnes per square centimeter (cm2) fell to 103 per cm2 after 1 month and 102 after 9 months of therapy.

39. In the Soviet Union the on-the-job maximum allowable exposure to microwaves is 10 microwatts per square centimeter for an eight-hour day.

40. And these effects could be seen at exposure levels at and below 10,000 microwatts per square centimeter, the recommended occupational safety standard in the U.S.

41. To produce the bismuth target, the metal is sputtered onto a gold, copper, or aluminium surface at 50 to 100 milligrams per square centimeter.

42. Remember, we could draw 7 rows, right, and each of them is going to have 4 square centimeters -- each of those is a square centimeter.

43. The fabric has an air permeability of less than 6 cubic centimeters per second per square centimeter, (cm3/cm2/sec), at 10 millimeters water gauge pressure.

44. Western scientists believed that serious injuries due to heating could be caused only at power densities of 100 milliwatts (100,000 microwatts) per square centimeter or higher.

45. The conductive rods have a density over the substrate of at least about 1,000 rods per square centimeter and include first conductive rods and second conductive rods.

46. That is about the level of radiation that an oven leaking 5,000 microwatts per square centimeter at two inches would expose one to at an arm’s length.

47. The Chirped pulse, whose intensity is now below the damage threshold of gigawatts per square centimeter, can be amplified safely by a factor 10 6 or more

48. In this way a circuit is obtained consisting of 160,000 bits on an area the size of a white blood cell translating into 1011 bits per square centimeter.

49. But with the new method, one square centimeter would be enough to determine whether the material dates from the time of Christ or only from the Middle Ages.

50. The LEDs are arranged in close proximity so that a luminous emittance from a emitter area of the LED array is at least 1000 lumens per square centimeter.

51. A 1969 survey in the United States showed that a startling one third of the microwave ovens tested leaked in excess of 10,000 microwatts per square centimeter.

52. At least 12 nmols of redox chromophore moieties per square centimeter area per micron of thickness of the metal oxide are absorbed to each of the patterned areas.

53. An amount of 60 calories per square centimeter must be received by the retina in a mean time of 2′′ 75 to obtain a destructive and non reversible photocoagulation.

54. The influence of ultrasonic waves at 1 Mc/s and power 225 watts per square centimeter on both the positively and negatively charged manganese dioxide sols has been investigated.

55. The luminescent layer, in operation, has at least locally a temperature above 80 degrees Celsius and/or has at least locally a wall- load above 0.1 watt per square centimeter.

56. Your shin bone can regularly support a weight of nearly two tons and can be subjected to pressures up to 20,000 pounds per square inch (1,400 kilograms per square centimeter).

57. Initially, the dots in an area of one cm^2 are in close proximity to each other and the flux (energy emitted per square centimeter per second) is high.

58. The image on KCl can be formed by depositing a charge of over 0.3 microcoulomb per square centimeter, by an electron beam with energy typically at 8–10 keV.

59. Due to its relative ease of production (less precise pattern, small number of knots per square centimeter, etc.) a gabbeh is one of the less expensive varieties of Persian carpet.

60. Fabrics of subheading 5210.21 or 5210.31, not of square construction, containing more than 70 warp ends and filling picks per square centimeter, of average yarn number exceeding 70 metric; d.

61. The electrodeposition process is preferably conducted at a voltage greater than the hydrogen overvoltage of the bath composition, and at a current density greater than about 20 milliamps per square centimeter.

62. Fabrics of subheading 5513.11 or 5513.21, not of square construction, containing more than 70 warp ends and filling picks per square centimeter, of average yarn number exceeding 70 metric; c.

63. “Tests in recent weeks have shown that the top floors would be subject to more than 360 microwatts —or 360 millionths of a watt— of microwave pressure per square centimeter . . .

64. Further, the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer contains 200 to 500000ng of the water-soluble basic component per square centimeter (cm2), as determined on the basis of the pressure -sensitive adhesive layer.

65. The approximate average value cited, 1.3608 ± 0.0005 kW/m2, which is 81.65 kJ/m2 per minute, is equivalent to approximately 1.951 calories per minute per square centimeter, or 1.951 langleys per minute.

66. Russian workers are required to wear protective goggles any time they are temporarily exposed to a microwave radiation level of 1,000 microwatts per square centimeter, the level routinely allowed to leak from U.S. microwave ovens.

67. In Russia, fresh herbs have played an important role in home-made vodka infusions for centuries. Healthier and with more zing per square centimeter than any other ingredient, herbs can pack a lot of punch.

68. This little creature manufactures a glue so strong that a film only 3/10,000 of an inch (.0762 millimeter) thick has a “shear strength” of 7,000 pounds per square inch (493 kilograms per square centimeter)!

69. Standard atmosphere is a non- SI unit that is internationally recognized. The 10th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (10th CGPM) adopted standard atmosphere for general use and affirmed its definition of being precisely equal to 1,013,250 dynes per square centimeter (101,325 Pa ).

70. One of these wells was dry, but the other two began producing steam at temperatures of 231 degrees and 208 degrees Celsius (448 degrees and 406 degrees Fahrenheit) respectively, and at pressures of 10 kilograms per square centimeter (142 pounds per square inch).

71. But if we did, in 2025 or something, have double the CO2 as we had in 1900, they say it would be increase the energy budget by about -- in other words, one watt per square centimeter more would be coming in than going out.

72. Sea otters have been hunted extensively for their luxurious fur – the densest of all mammals with up to 394,000 hairs per square centimeter or up to 1,000,000 hairs per inch. From 1741 onwards, over-hunting reduced sea otter populations to the point of extermination in many parts of their historic range.

73. A square Centimeter (cm²) is a derived metric SI (System International) measurement unit of area with sides equal to one Centimeter (1cm) What is area Instant conversions Conversion tables; 1 cm² = 1.0×10 +20 pm² cm²>pm² pm²>cm² What is pm²; 1 cm² = 1.0×10 +16 Ų cm²>Ų Ų>cm² What is Ų; 1 cm² = 1.0×10 +14 nm² cm²>nm²