Use "squamate" in a sentence

1. Squamate caudal Autotomy and subsequent tail regeneration have been studied extensively from ecological and developmental perspectives, because …

2. Eunectes murinus is probably the heaviest extant species of snake or squamate in the world, perhaps only rivaled by the Komodo dragon.

3. It is thought that this was the result of descent from a common venom-producing squamate ancestor; the hypothesis was described simply as the "venom clade" when first proposed to the scientific community.

4. Suborder Amphisbaenia is a group of peculiar, usually legless squamate s distantly related to lizards and snakes, in spite of their resemblance to worms (many possessing a pink body color and scales arranged in rings). They are very poorly known, due to their burrowing lifestyle and general rarity.