Use "spurting" in a sentence

1. These active plates also make possible the spurting of columns of hot water from the lake’s floor.

2. 9 That's how it begins but it ends in maimed bodies, chopped limbs, blood spurting like fountains.

3. Aspout definition: in a spurting or spouting manner Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

4. Aspout definition: in a spurting or spouting manner Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

5. And their spurting blood kept spattering upon my garments, and all my clothing I have polluted.” —Isaiah 63:2, 3.

6. Both oil-rich nations, it's like they have money spurting out of a hole in the ground.

7. And I kept stamping down peoples in my anger, and I proceeded to make them drunk with my rage and to bring down to the earth their spurting blood.” —Isaiah 63:5, 6.

8. So I took that as inspiration to use playing card graphics in different ways in the titles," like a club representing a puff of gun smoke, and slashed arteries spurting thousands of tiny hearts.