Use "spurring" in a sentence

1. Rising consumer sales have the effect of spurring the economy to faster growth.

2. 5 Rising consumer sales have the effect of spurring the economy to faster growth.

3. 27 A combination of factors is spurring advertising's aggressive movement into virtually every facet of daily life.

4. Meantime, in Florida, the tourism industry is growing more than ever, spurring thousands of new jobs, economists said.

5. Israel's quality university education is largely responsible for spurring the country's high tech boom and rapid economic development.

6. The back-to-back tiger tragedies have been followed closely in China, spurring calls for greater legal protections for animals.

7. But the damage it could do is spurring the Gulf states into unprecedented efforts to protect their shallow, near-landlocked waters.

8. However, this crisis will also incentivise focus on green power technologies, spurring fresh economic activity in an area where Japan is technologically advanced.

9. Well, here's another reason not to like it: The malls of America consume more than a gigawatt of electricity per month playing the anodyne sales-spurring pop.

10. Like airports in Atlanta and Munich, DEN has become a catalyst for regional economic development, spurring growth of airport-oriented projects on and around the airport in an area known as an Aerotropolis.

11. Like the double-crested Cormorant in North America, it has made a huge comeback in western Europe, spurring familiar outcries from fishermen and property owners who have nicknamed it “the black plague.”

12. One can expect a strong statement from India’s prime minister on spurring the reform of the global financial architecture, asking the advanced economies to honour their promise to implement the 2010 IMF quota and governance reforms.

13. Although the size and composition of the 14 Olympic classes remained unchanged from the 2012 format, the number of boats for men had been reduced in the single sculls, quadruple sculls, and eight, spurring a change towards an increased proportion of boats for women in the single sculls, pair, double sculls, and lightweight double sculls.

14. During the first half of the twentieth century, the Automobile evolved from a marginal curiosity to the dominant mode of ground transportation in the United States, spawning a vast network of national interstate highways, spurring the postwar suburban sprawl, opening up unprecedented possibilities of mobility for the average Amreican, but also spawning a host of