Use "splenectomy" in a sentence

1. Splenectomy, brain contusions, collapsed lung.

2. • Assisted Appendicectomies, small bowel obstructions , hernia repair, splenectomy, also performed minor Surgery

3. Between 1971 and 1985, 46 patients (aged 13–69 years) with thrombocytopenic purpura (FTP) underwent splenectomy.

4. In conjunction with the history of splenectomy, the final pathological diagnosis was a so- called OPSI syndrome.

5. 24 Such individuals, as in patients who have undergone splenectomy are predisposed to infections and overwhelming sepsis.

6. As the patient presented with severe sepsis, he underwent emergency subtotal colectomy and splenectomy due to splenic inflammation and adhesion to the colon.

7. After splenectomy, which resulted in a good clinical and hematological remission, lactate formation and the abnormal electrolyte and methemoglobin level of the erythrocytes returned to normal.

8. [Splenectomy in chronic lymphoid leukemia with Aleucemic splenomegalic lymphosis form] Revol L, Guyon JM, Fière D, Bryon PA, Audigier JC, Courpron P