Use "splashing" in a sentence

1. It was past splashing and foaming.

2. The kids were splashing through the puddles.

3. The traffic swirled by on the splashing road.

4. The limbs cut off with blood splashing everywhere...

5. The baby was splashing happily in the bath.

6. The children were splashing about in the pool.

7. McMurphy stopped splashing around like he had been.

8. Look at the hippo splashing about in the river.

9. The children love splashing water over each other.

10. They watched the swimmers splashing through the water.

11. Water was splashing from a hole in the roof.

12. She ran up the drive, splashing through the puddles.

13. You couldn't hear anything, but the blood splashing on the ground.

14. Eric a black sheep, splashing one million dollars a few years.

15. He thinks he can win friends by splashing his money about.

16. You then see stinking, decayed fruit tumble out, splashing all nearby.

17. Splashing evenly onto the water’s surface, the nets sink, trapping fish.

18. They were splashing through shallow water, between massive, brooding willow trunks.

19. 2 Donald loved biting paddles, splashing and capsizing people and pushing boats around.

20. The kids were splashing in the shallow end of the swimming pool.

21. People were having fun in the pool, swimming or just splashing around.

22. I walked on, following the windings of the splashing tumbling Mosedale Beck.

23. Eric is a black sheep, splashing one million dollars in a few years.

24. Some problems were the result of sightseers splashing through submerged roads in vehicles.

25. A lot of people were in the water, swimming or simply splashing about.

26. Then they made their way crouching along it, their feet splashing through muddy water.

27. Of course you were next to useless, splashing around in water up to your ankles.

28. Anthracnose is spread by the dispersal of fungal spores that occurs by splashing rain

29. When it rained, funny sounds came from the splashing raindrop on the butterbur leaf.

30. Synonyms for Bespattering include spattering, splattering, splashing, muddying, smearing, bedaubing, befouling, begriming, flecking and marking

31. Synonyms for Blobbing include dabbing, daubing, spotting, bedaubing, slapping, slopping, smearing, splashing, dotting and smudging

32. Synonyms for Bedaubing include smearing, besmearing, daubing, spattering, staining, anointing, bespattering, smirching, soiling and splashing

33. Synonyms for spattering include splashing, Bespattering, splattering, spraying, sprinkling, daubing, dirtying, soiling, speckling and showering

34. For a splashing good time, our Boys’ swim collection lets you suit his style perfectly

35. Synonyms for Besprinkling include spraying, sprinkling, scattering, strewing, spattering, showering, splashing, bestrewing, peppering and sowing

36. Bespatter Meaning: "soil by splashing with dirty liquid," 1640s, from be- + spatter (v.)

37. Lorries rumbled past them, splashing them with filthy water from the potholes in the road.

38. The boat is rocking back and forth in the high waves, and water is splashing in.

39. The male remains close at hand, repeatedly splashing water onto the eggs to keep them damp.

40. One of the attractions was a giant mural named "Water-Splashing Festival: A Paean of Life".

41. A man-made millpond with a splashing waterfall can be seen and heard from the rear rooms.

42. Most shoppers were splashing out on practical items and steering clear of the luxury goods, he said.

43. This splashing about at least had several nice moments, with Anjali Bhimani as the lustful daughter Myrrha.

44. I wait until it fills itself and then I swat it, the blood splashing over my hand.

45. Early Blight overwinters on infected plant tissue and is spread by splashing rain, irrigation, insects and garden tools

46. Across the room, a table of young men in fitted shirts is laughing heartily and splashing out wine.

47. Grace , 11 , said her family has a splashing way to warm up after playing in the snow :

48. He ran out into the street, his soaked shoes splashing water over his trousers, muddying his coat.

49. She ran up the drive, head down, splashing through the puddles, fumbling in her pocket for her keys.

50. This Colander's round base allows you to securely place it in your sink to avoid splashing hot liquids

51. Toilet flushing Aerosolizes fecal waste from the movement of toilet water (i.e., bubbling, swirling, splashing) during a flushing event

52. A moment later we heard a splash and a squeal, more splashing, a flutter of duck, whoops of delight.

53. 13 My friends and their little daughter went splashing blithely in so I threw caution to the winds and followed.

54. 7 Still, the press jumped on the pygmy owl angle, splashing headlines about the controversy across the top of both dailies.

55. 21 Your stomach heaves uncontrollably, and vomit spews out of your mouth into the sink, splashing back up into your face.

56. Iowa then joined in the pursuit of the fleeing enemy Fleet, shooting down one torpedo plane and assisting in splashing another.

57. Care should be taken when positioning in order to avoid exposure to hazards and to miss chemical run-off or splashing.

58. Bedpans can be made of plastic or metal, and some can be used with liners to prevent splashing and to make cleaning easier.

59. Bedpans can be made of plastic or metal, and some can be used with liners to prevent splashing and to make cleaning easier

60. Rights activist Nguyen Lan Thang and prominent musician and poet Do Trung Quan described thugs vandalizing their property by splashing red paint and rancid shrimp paste.

61. Now and again a packet of nux vomica and bicarb stomach powder would fly out and burst like a bomb, splashing vivid white against the green.

62. The emphasis is set here on the removal of water, which due to a condensation in the aftercooler at this point increasingly show as droplets or splashing water.

63. Borborygmos, rumbling in the bowels] A gurgling, splashing sound normally heard over the large intestine; it is caused by passage of gas through the liquid contents of the intestine.

64. Borborygmus (bor″bō-rĭg′mŭs) plural.Borborygmi [Gr. Borborygmos, rumbling in the bowels] A gurgling, splashing sound normally heard over the large intestine; it is caused by passage of gas through the liquid contents of the intestine.

65. ‘The fungus produces a type of spore - a Basidiospore - that can be spread from plant to plant by wind or splashing water.’ ‘After 2-3 weeks of incubation at room temperature, extensive hyphae were produced and both Basidiospores (sexual spores) and blastospores (asexual …

66. Chromacryl Fluid Acrylic is a highly pigmented Acrylic that offers the same high quality as Chromacryl Student Acrylic but with a flowing consistency that enables quick, broad coverage of large surfaces as well as expressive techniques such as splashing, spraying, and overlaying.

67. ‘Closely related to the Tufted Puffin, the Rhinoceros Auklet is a large Alcid with a wedge-shaped head.’ ‘One would imagine this place to be a paradise of Alcids of all types, guillemots, dovekies, puffins, razorbills, murres, and murrelets all splashing around in their black and white finery.’

68. As Sean Ambles over to the counter top carrying the big heavy pot his feet slip on the greasy floor and as Sean topples backwards his chili pot and a good amount of the hot chili is flung forward splashing all over Macamillion Dollars and one other patron in line! Click on Food Truck Insurance Kent Washington State to read our next post.