Use "spit on" in a sentence

1. I spit on it

2. I spit on their agony.

3. The teacher told Terra to spit on the flag!

4. The woman says the Seljuk spit on her before dying.

5. You don't spit on the man that signs your paycheck.

6. The teacher then instructed Terra to spit on the flag.

7. It's in the nosebleeds, but at least you won't get spit on.

8. In what universe it is Okay for you to spit on your teacher?

9. Neighbors would spit on the ground in front of me to show their contempt.

10. His father chased him with a meat cleaver; his mother spit on him in public.

11. Let me go to be mocked, spit on, scourged, and nailed to a torture stake.’

12. (9) The devil also paid her a visit, Coaxing her to spit on a cross and break a rosary

13. 19 The devil also paid her a visit, coaxing her to spit on a cross and break a rosary.

14. The first took part in patriotic ceremonies, but she spit on the flag when she was told to do so.

15. Spit On, Yelled At, Attacked: Chinese-Americans Fear for Their Safety As bigots blame them for the coronavirus and President Trump labels it the …

16. After being agitated by the priest, those from his church swore at the Witnesses, spit on them, shook their fists, and ripped up the Bibles of the villagers, while the priest stood with folded arms and smiled.

17. After he said these things, he spit on the ground and made a clay with the saliva, and put his clay upon the man’s eyes and said to him: ‘Go wash in the pool of Siloam.’ . . .

18. Bored Lyrics: Hear me spit on you / Wither I remold into gold / And bury I from sun / Reborn, left to sigh / Recure, maybe I'll / Be born and simplify / The way I lie, before / I get Bored / I

19. He was betrayed by an intimate associate, abandoned by his closest friends, and subjected to an illegal trial during which members of the highest religious court of the land ridiculed him, spit on him, and hit him with their fists.

20. Think Progress » Tea Party protesters reportedly spit on one lawmaker, call others ‘fa–ot’ and ‘ni–er.’ For a nation to endorse torture as an element of policy and to employ it just once is to Befoul it morally ever bit as much as if it had tortured millions.