Use "spiritual food" in a sentence

1. Finding Spiritual Food in Critical Times

2. There is food, spiritual food in abundance.

3. She also hid spiritual food in her parcels.

4. By providing spiritual food in ever more languages.

5. Every issue is full of life-giving spiritual food.

6. Despite such intimidation, the brothers continued delivering spiritual food.

7. I had no Bible, and I craved spiritual food.

8. How can we “form a longing” for spiritual food?

9. For example, they neglected taking in solid spiritual food.

10. Jehovah has also blessed us with spiritual food in abundance.

11. Through the congregation, Jehovah has provided an abundance of spiritual food.

12. Why is effort needed to cultivate a hunger for spiritual food?

13. A key feature of that paradise is the abundance of spiritual food.

14. (b) How have some Witnesses felt about the spiritual food they receive?

15. (Matthew 4:4) We must develop a wholesome appetite for spiritual food.

16. How will sticking close to God’s channel for dispensing spiritual food safeguard us?

17. How is the Governing Body organized, and how does it provide spiritual food?

18. 4 Jesus was even more concerned about providing spiritual food to his followers.

19. 9 A humble person has heartfelt gratitude for Jehovah’s provisions, including spiritual food.

20. Spiritual food is now available in one form or another in over 700 languages.

21. Today, he is providing an abundant supply of spiritual food in over 400 languages.

22. At the Public Meeting and Watchtower Study, we take in further rich spiritual food.

23. Thus through personal study, you can take in the spiritual food that Jehovah provides.

24. 4 Through the faithful and discreet slave, we receive an abundance of spiritual food.

25. All this spiritual food has been a blessing to true worshipers around the earth.

26. Such persons may have little appetite for spiritual food or association with God’s people.

27. Members of the great crowd appreciate the spiritual food produced under the Governing Body’s direction.

28. A supply of spiritual food helped us keep spiritually strong, so we never felt abandoned.

29. In connection with our spiritual food, what material things are we extremely thankful for now?

30. As our literal heart needs healthful food, we need sufficient amounts of wholesome spiritual food.

31. A key to building up your faith is to keep taking in solid spiritual food.

32. To do so, you need to “form a longing” for the spiritual food that God provides.

33. National boundaries are not permitted to stop the flow of spiritual food to those needing it.

34. Throughout history, Jehovah has dispensed spiritual food to his people as a group. [kl p. 162 par.

35. Since then the flow of spiritual food dispensed through “the faithful and discreet slave” has been steady.

36. All along the road, at one congregation after another, we dropped off cartons of timely spiritual food.

37. 12, 13. (a) By what means does Jehovah supply us with spiritual food at the proper time?

38. Rich dishes and fine, filtered wine picture the very best of spiritual food that Jehovah provides for us

39. Good spiritual food gives us the power to resist such spiritual debility and the consequences of spiritual infection.

40. It is vital for all of us to recognize the channel that is used to dispense spiritual food.

41. It was not the bright and attractive magazine that it is today, but it provided valuable spiritual food.

42. Make good use of the generous and timely supply of spiritual food provided by “the faithful and discreet slave.”

43. (1 Peter 2:2) The expression “form a longing” suggests that many do not naturally hunger for spiritual food.

44. Take positive steps to make sure that you are making full use of the abundant spiritual food Jehovah provides.

45. MODERN: Ample supplies of spiritual food are helping people to counteract the pervasive spiritual sickness and starvation of today’s world

46. To support the sisters spiritually, the brothers began to supply this small group with spiritual food right from the camp.

47. They fully enjoy the fruits of their labor —an increased number of Christian disciples and an abundance of spiritual food.

48. He enjoys an abundant supply of spiritual food and has plenty to do in the rewarding work of the Lord.

49. He deceives those he is “besieging” into starving themselves while they are surrounded by a mountain of wholesome spiritual food.

50. “It requires abundant material and spiritual food to sustain them; I must work hard to earn enough money to support them.

51. 24 Literature and Food Service: When we gather for the district convention, we enjoy an abundance of physical and spiritual food.

52. True to its God-given commission, the anointed “faithful and discreet slave” has provided timely spiritual food for all who will accept it.

53. (Psalm 133:1-3) Through the congregation, “the faithful and discreet slave” provides nourishing spiritual “food at the proper time.” —Matthew 24:45.

54. Despite police roadblocks and other hazards, they traveled hundreds of miles in all types of weather to deliver spiritual food to their brothers.

55. Without a steady diet of wholesome spiritual food to sustain us, we cannot hope to withstand the pressure that this system brings to bear.

56. A full program of Christian meetings was arranged in the Lingala language so that the arrivals would be supplied with life-sustaining spiritual food.

57. The brothers serving on this committee supervise the preparation of spiritual food in written and electronic form for fellow believers and the general public.

58. They accepted the risky task of channeling spiritual food into Biafra, thus benefiting many brothers until the war ended in 1970. —3/1, page 27.

59. When Christ arrived to inspect the house of God in 1918, why did he not find Christendom’s churches supplying spiritual food at the proper time?

60. Spiritual food is necessary for spiritual survival, especially in a world that is moving away from belief in God and the absolutes of right and wrong.

61. To help you fulfill this solemn responsibility and address your family’s needs, Jehovah has supplied an abundance of wholesome spiritual food through books, magazines, videos, and audio recordings.

62. The next day the convention continued and Brother Adams was able to give two lectures on the work of Jehovah’s witnesses, providing the brothers with good spiritual food.

63. (Ecclesiastes 8:9; Isaiah 25:6) Even today, we need not hunger for spiritual food, for God provides it abundantly in its season through “the faithful and discreet slave.”

64. (Galatians 5:22, 23) The rich spiritual food that we receive during the daily Bible text discussion and the family study of The Watchtower helps to strengthen me for Bethel service.

65. Thousands of publishers have attended special conventions in various lands, and all of us have benefited from the bountiful supply of spiritual food provided in our fine circuit assembly and special assembly day programs.

66. We want our children to grow up, not on a diet of anemic faith, but on strong spiritual food that is capable of turning them into mature Christian men and women with renewed personalities.

67. In keeping with Jesus’ pattern of feeding many through the hands of a few, that slave is made up of a small group of anointed brothers who are directly involved in preparing and dispensing spiritual food during Christ’s presence.

68. As one of the writers of the book of Proverbs indicates, it is possible to be surrounded by good spiritual food, a spiritual banquet, as it were, and still not actually eat and digest the food. —Proverbs 19:24; 26:15.

69. Still the apostles recognized that it would show a lack of discernment for them to spend their time in the actual handling of these material supplies instead of concentrating on the handling of things of a directly spiritual nature, particularly the providing of spiritual food and guidance for the brothers from God’s Word.