Use "sperm cell" in a sentence

1. The sperm cell has no muscles.

2. Hellbender sperm-cell tail, with characteristic "corkscrew" tissue.

3. Germ cell A reproductive cell (sperm or egg cell), which has 23 chromosomes in humans (haploid).

4. The vaccine works by blocking male sperm cell from joining female egg cell.

5. The egg and sperm fuse together as one cell.

6. 2 A sperm cell from a man unites with an egg cell in a woman.

7. Conception occurs when an ovum is fertilized by a sperm cell

8. Egg cell and sperm cells. Schematic drawing showing their relative sizes.

9. For instance, a sperm Cell resembles a tadpole, a female egg Cell is spherical, and nerve Cells

10. When the body forms sperm or egg cells, a cell divides and pairs of chromosomes separate.

11. How can an X chromosome be nearly as big as the head of the sperm cell?

12. Blastophore: The passive portion of a sperm-cell or spermospore which does not give rise to spermatozoa.

13. Allogamy is referred to the fertilization of an egg cell with one individual with the sperm of another individual

14. Autogamy is a type of self-fertilization in which the egg cell in the flower fuses with the sperm cell derived from the anthers of the same flower

15. In insects, Lepidoptera has two types of sperm: nucleated eupyrene (fertile) sperm and anucleated Apyrene (unfertile) sperm

16. Sperm whale

17. The two polar nuclei move from antipodal end to micropylar end before sperm releasing in a gap between egg cell and central cell and subsequently taking off cytoplasm one after another.

18. The silkworm, Bombyx mori, has a dimorphic sperm system.The eupyrene sperm is the sperm to fertilize eggs and the Apyrene sperm plays a crucial role for assisting fertilization

19. Agnew also found that the hellbender sperm cell—like those of other amphibian species—boasts a ribbon of tissue encircling the tail.

20. Sperm Agglutination Classification

21. A sperm whale

22. Then, a laser beam is used to identify X (female) sperm from Y (male) sperm.

23. The Axoneme extends from the connecting piece along the full length of the flagellum and generates the propulsive force for sperm cell movement (Figs

24. She's allergic to your sperm.

25. The sperm fertilizes the egg.

26. The purified eupyrene sperm bundles can then be removed and Apyrene sperm collected from the

27. The technique relies upon inherent differences between eupyene sperm bundles and free Apyrene sperm morphology

28. It means ‘No sperm count’ What is Azoospermia? Azoospermia literally means ‘no sperm in semen’

29. The Apyrene sperm often predominate over the eupyrene sperm in an ejaculate and, in the female, they migrate actively to the sperm storage organ, the spermatheca

30. I never sold my sperm.

31. What makes the world of a sperm so fundamentally different from that of a sperm whale?

32. Parthenogenesis in which the egg is activated by sperm, but without fusion of the egg and sperm nuclei.

33. Apyrene sperm may contribute to (i) nonadaptive errors during spermatogenesis, (ii) the transport or activation of eupyrene sperm for successful fertilization, (iii) enhanced fertilization success in the presence of sperm competition, and (iv) nutrients for females or eupyrene sperm

34. As a spermicide, it attacks the acrosomal membranes of the sperm, causing the sperm to be immobilized.

35. The role of Apyrene sperm in monandrous species after sperm migration to the spermatheca has not been studied, though in polyandrous species these sperm reduce re-mating receptivity

36. Apyrene sperm represents approximatey 89% of the sperm produced and transferred, which is comparable to polyandrous species

37. The Agglutination (sticking together) of sperm; The results of this test will categorize sperm Agglutination by the number of sperm cells stuck together in a group, called an agglutinate

38. Acrosomal sperm protein and uses thereof

39. Only one sperm fertilizes an egg.

40. This is a comprehensive review for couples on Azoospermia, including sperm production problems (non-obstructive Azoospermia or NOA), sperm blockage problems (obstructive Azoospermia or OA), and sperm transport problems

41. Sperm Donation Australia has 10,287 members

42. Only one sperm fertilises an egg.

43. Bromate targets the kidney for toxicity and cancer, the peritoneum for cancer (mesotheliomas derived from testes), testes for lowered sperm count and the thyroid for follicular cell cancer

44. It's a donor from a sperm bank.

45. In general, Binucleate pollen, in which the germinative cell has not divided into sperm when the pollen is shed, is less active metabolically during dispersal and remains viable longer than

46. Cloning of sperm Agglutinating factor in E

47. Most Ascidians are hermaphrodites (produce both eggs and sperm) and reproduce by external fertilisation (releasing eggs and sperm into the

48. So what we're talking about is sperm competition.

49. I hear the sperm is very good today.

50. However, empirical evidence of Apyrene sperm functions

51. Is the male producing healthy , viable sperm ?

52. A school of sperm whales is sighted.

53. Unlike sperm, eggs are produced very sparingly.

54. The sperm cell of the pallid sturgeon differed from those of other sturgeons chiefly in the acrosomal region, where the posterolateral projections (PLP) have the shape of an acute triangle and are arranged in a spiral about the longitudinal axis of the cell.

55. Bubbie is a large blue sperm whale

56. Well, your beer-added sperm still works.

57. The male sperm fertilizes the female egg.

58. Apyrene sperm comprise 50% of the million sperm transferred in Spodoptera litura (Noctuidae) (Etman and Hooper 1979a), and average an astounding 96% …

59. The apically Biflagellate sperm of Coleochaete, formed in small but distinct antheridial cells, are consistent with sperm of land plants

60. A sperm membrane is accessible from the exterior only when the sperm does not lose the acrosome part due to damage, in other words, leaving the sperm undamaged to the largest extent possible.

61. Apyrene sperm can represent up to 90% of the total sperm number (16; 9), yet they do not fertilize the eggs

62. Most Ascidians are hermaphrodites (produce both eggs and sperm) and reproduce by external fertilisation (releasing eggs and sperm into the water).


64. Aedeagus withdrawal appears to remove some bursal sperm.

65. 11 The relation between sperm density and eugenics?

66. Probably about ten billion sperm in one go.

67. the sperm 's ability to fertilize the egg

68. 9 The male sperm fertilizes the female egg.


70. Ambergris is a solid, waxy material produced in the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) and also in the pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps)

71. Azoospermia is the absence of sperm in the ejaculate

72. Leeuwenhoek’s observations of “Animalcules”, including bacteria, sperm, protozoa and

73. Each androcyte gives rise to a Biflagellate sperm

74. 10 The male sperm fertilizes the female egg.

75. I can't believe my sperm have low motility.

76. Conception occurs when a sperm cell from a fertile man swims up through the vagina and into the uterus of a woman and joins with the woman’s egg cell as it travels down one of the fallopian tubes from the ovary to the uterus.

77. Many of his sperm do not even try to fertilize her eggs but instead either attack other sperm or block their passage.

78. We conclude that Apyrene sperm play a critical role in the ejaculate and that both sperm sizes are constrained about narrow optima

79. First, AIDS, hepatitis B, human papilloma virus, and other than sperm small, condoms can block sperm may not be able to block viruses.

80. Centrioles also play a major part in the formation of cilia and flagella, structures made of microtubules that stick out of the cell and help the cell move around (the tail of a sperm cell is an example of a flagellum) or catch and move things (the cilia on our lung cells move mucus out of our lungs).