Use "speed of sound" in a sentence

1. And that constant is the speed of sound.

2. In addition to that, we've measured the speed of sound.

3. Here's why: the speed of sound is not a constant.

4. Key words: thermodynamics, micellization, aggregation numbers, speed of sound, and spectroscopy.

5. The frequency, wave length, and speed of sound are closely related.sentence dictionary

6. 6 Deflagration is combustion wave propagating at a velocity less than the speed of sound.

7. For speeds lower than the speed of sound, the most Aerodynamically efficient shape is the teardrop

8. If relativistic effects are important, the speed of sound is calculated from the relativistic Euler equations.

9. Paris to New York was flown in 3 hours 23 minutes, at about twice the speed of sound.

10. A0340 Acoustic-gravity wave A gravity wave which is propagated through the atmosphere with the speed of sound.

11. In December 2005, "Speed of Sound" appeared at number nine on Q magazine's "100 Greatest Tracks of the Year".

12. But, here with kludgy material, and lousy drink -- we've been able to measure the speed of sound to -- not bad.

13. Water hammer is related to the speed of sound in the fluid, and elbows reduce the influences of pressure waves.

14. Impact Cratering involves high velocity collisions between solid objects, typically much greater than the speed of sound in those objects

15. A0360 Acoustic thermometer Thermometer whose principle is based on the variations of the local speed of sound caused by changes in temperature.

16. Bolides hitting the martian surface at hypervelocity (usually defined as >speed of sound in target materials) because such impactors may have substantial effects

17. In the limit of small amplitudes and low frequencies, the speed of sound is a quantity describing the thermodynamic state of the fluid under consideration.

18. The Bera test can provide information on whether nerves convey sound impulses to the brain and whether the speed of sound delivery is within normal limits

19. As the aerial speedometer (called a Machmeter), within view of passengers up front, reached the speed of sound, one of them reported: “There were gasps and cheers.

20. Having an 8" driver with a cone diameter of 17 cm, Beaming will start at 34400/17 = 2023 Hz (speed of sound in cm/diameter in cm)

21. That horse is pulling it along at one percent of the speed of sound, and the rutted dirt road turns into a quagmire of mud anytime it rains.

22. And the speeds they represent are actually a multiple, or depending on how you want to view it, multiples or fractions of the speed of sound in that medium.

23. Jim Erickson, writing in Asiaweek, says that the Franco-British team of Aerospatiale and British Aerospace plan to develop a plane that can carry up to 300 passengers at twice the speed of sound.

24. These reach the tunnel exit at the speed of sound, generating low-frequency waves that produce a large boom and aerodynamic vibration so intense that residents 400 meters [1,300 feet] away have registered complaints.”

25. Crashed Lyrics: Well, I was moving at the speed of sound / Head-spinning, couldn't find my way around, and / Didn't know that I was going down / Yeah, yeah / Where I've been, well, it's all a …

26. The mist flow containing single-component cryogenic fine solid particles is continuously generated in the spray section (11c) by adiabatic expansion in a state in which the single-component multiphase flow exceeds the speed of sound.

27. In an elastic Artesian system, the pressure change traverses the aquifer with the speed of sound; the cone of depression and the area of influence (in which drawdown takes place) grow very rapidly, but at a gradually diminishing rate

28. Another breakthrough came in 1976 when a team of British and French engineers introduced the Concorde, a delta-winged jetliner capable of carrying 100 passengers at twice the speed of sound—more than 1,400 miles per hour [2,300 kph].

29. Definition of Compressibility effect : any of the effects (as abrupt changes in control characteristics) that result from changes in the flow field about an airplane when the velocity at some point in the field reaches the local speed of sound and the air ceases to behave as an incompressible fluid