Use "speed of light" in a sentence

1. 16 The speed of light is a treacherous thing.

2. Eventually reaching more then 99 percent the speed of light.

3. So, next time, maybe, I'll measure the speed of light!

4. This is the speed of light, in millions of meters per second!

5. That's like comparing how fast I run to the speed of light.

6. Two examples are the speed of light and the relationship of gravity to mass.

7. I explore ways of accelerating charged particles to speeds close to the speed of light.

8. 4 That it is a "virtual Partical", nor that it can exceed the speed of light.

9. Also, c is the speed of light, and ħ is the Planck constant divided by 2π.

10. RAdiation is energy that comes from a source and travels through space at the speed of light

11. To overwhelm or bewilder, as with magnitude, complexity, or strangeness: The speed of light Boggles the mind.

12. On the other hand, some techniques depend on the finite speed of light, for example in distance measurements.

13. These were proposed as an alternative to carrying a slow speed-of-light dialogue between vastly distant neighbors.

14. In supercomputers, the speed of light imposes a limit on how quickly data can be sent between processors.

15. However, it has been suggested in various theories that the speed of light may have changed over time.

16. The Antiproton Cannons (AP) are energy based weapons which fire at just under the speed of light (99 PSL)

17. These devices process and transmit information to and from many Sources over great distances at the speed of light.

18. Boggle definition, to overwhelm or bewilder, as with magnitude, complexity, or strangeness: The speed of light Boggles the mind

19. Scientists in Switzerland say they have measured a kind of subatomic particle traveling faster than the speed of light.

20. The speed of light was not yet precisely known in 1838; its value changed in 1849 (Fizeau) and 1862 (Foucault).

21. Fizeau used a special interferometer arrangement to measure the effect of movement of a medium upon the speed of light.

22. In special relativity, the energy of a particle at rest equals its mass times the speed of light squared, E = mc2.

23. It takes the electrons 1.2 μs to travel around this ring at almost the speed of light; 847,000 times per second.

24. They enable us to experience relativistic phenomena such as Lorentz contraction, time dilation, aberration, finite speed of light, and gravitational light bending.

25. And the index of refraction really just tells you it's just the ratio of the speed of light to the actual velocity.

26. In addition, that the speed of light is unreachable for massive bodies was measured in many tests of relativistic energy and momentum.

27. Beyond a boundary called the Hubble sphere, the rate at which their distance from Earth increases becomes greater than the speed of light.

28. And today, we hope to convince you that now we are actually able to activate a memory in the brain at the speed of light.

29. Einstein extended this principle so that it accounted for the constant speed of light, a phenomenon that had been recently observed in the Michelson–Morley experiment.

30. In about 10% of these galaxies, a diametrically opposed pair of energetic jets ejects particles from the galaxy core at velocities close to the speed of light.

31. Across the 0.2-second duration of the detectable signal, the relative tangential (orbiting) velocity of the black holes increased from 30% to 60% of the speed of light.

32. Any energy released by the explosion not radiated away in the burst itself takes the form of matter or energy moving outward at nearly the speed of light.

33. 1907: Einstein analyzed a uniformly accelerated reference frame and obtained formulas for coordinate dependent time dilation and speed of light, analogous to those given by Kottler-Møller-Rindler coordinates.

34. But maybe you've only got snow shoes, in that case you sink into the Higgs snow field, you've got less speed that the skier, less that the speed of light.

35. Bloodbath was our next demon song upload in geometry dash.Bloodbaths name from Newgrounds is "At The Speed Of Light".If you liked the song feel free to like

36. The reason that you can see me standing here is because this room is filled with more than 100 quintillion photons, and they're moving randomly through the space, near the speed of light.

37. These studies have shown that the apparent superluminal motion is due to a relativistic effect known as relativistic aberration, where the intrinsic velocity of ejecta is actually about 90% the speed of light.

38. Albert Einstein contributed the framework of special relativity, which replaced notions of absolute time and space with spacetime and allowed an accurate description of systems whose components have speeds approaching the speed of light.

39. TRIUMF’s 520 MeV Cyclotron, one of the world’s largest Cyclotrons, accelerates negative hydrogen ions to 75% the speed of light to produce intense proton beams for rare isotope production and a variety of other particle physics applications

40. When light is travelling around the globe in an optical fibre, the actual transit time is longer, in part because the speed of light is slower by about 35% in an optical fibre, depending on its refractive index n.

41. Speed, quickness; Speed of light, celeritas; Celerity BBS, a computer bulletin board system popular in the 1990s; Celerity Computing Inc., defunct San Diego, California vendor; Celerity IT, a Virginia-based web development consulting group; The phase velocity, speed of propagation of a wave; Proper velocity, an alternative way of measuring motion in