Use "specific gravity testa" in a sentence

1. The specific gravity of Chalcedony is 2.58 to 2.64

2. Usually, the tests include one for hardness, specific gravity and refraction.

3. Barytes Powder is chemically inert and possesses very high specific gravity

4. The specific gravity values of Amphiboles range from about 2.9 to 3.6

5. LAzulite has a Mohs hardness of 5.5 to 6 and a specific gravity

6. Check your specific gravity by putting the sanitized hydrometer right in the container.

7. Acetimeter: An instrument for ascertaining the specific gravity of vinegar or acetic acid.

8. Determination of the density and specific gravity at # °C of a dry wine

9. Determination of the density and specific gravity at 20 °C of a dry wine

10. Immediately after having been gathered all sediments are sorted by grain size and specific gravity.

11. Determination of the density and specific gravity at 20 °C/20 °C of a dry wine

12. Concentrating Tables (Shaking tables) are comprised of wooden decks, rectangular or diagonal shape, with ultra-smooth rubber cover and riffle surface and are operating in horizontal plane, where material with higher specific gravity is separated from material with lower specific gravity.

13. Key words: blending, aggregate proportions, cost, mean deviation, gradation, specific gravity, plasticity index, fineness modulus, asphaltic concrete.

14. The proppant demonstrates a reduced specific gravity controlled by the geometry of the structure of the proppant.

15. Catch was inversely proportional to the density of snow accumulations in the specific gravity range 0.04–0.13.

16. This mud has a high specific gravity and accumulates around the breakout point in a relatively small area.

17. Specific gravity, knot ratio, grain angle, cross section and the effect of finge-joints upon this relationship is investigated.

18. Gravity Falls Barfing Gnome Plush Brand: Gravity falls

19. (b) Coleorhiza, coleoptile (c) seed coat, testa (d) micropyle (e) starch

20. Aleurone layer a layer of cells just below the TESTA of seeds such as barley

21. (Don Giovanni's "Champagne Aria": "Fin ch'han dal vino calda la testa" – "Till they are tipsy").

22. The Barkometer hydrometer, 0 to 120 degrees Barkometer or 1.00 to 1.12 specific gravity at 60°/60° F

23. Contrary to expectations the rate of change in slope of curve, expressed as tangent angles, decreased as specific gravity increased.

24. Further address blocks may be allocated to TESTA in the future if required.

25. Further address blocks may be allocated to TESTA in the future if required

26. Usually parts of the testa or tegmen form a hard protective mechanical layer.

27. It has a yellow or light brown streak, a Mohs hardness of 3.5–4, and a specific gravity of 3.9–4.1.

28. It's gravity.

29. N Baryta Barium oxid, BaO: also called heavy earth, because it is the heaviest of the earths, its specific gravity being 4.7

30. Aleurone layer A layer of cells below the testa of some seeds (e.g

31. Beware Dr. Gravity!

32. Our Natural Barytes products are manufactured keeping in Mind Purity, Fineness, Specific Gravity, Brightness, Acoustic Properties, Barrier Properties and Heavy Metal Content

33. Arsenopyrite is a hard (Mohs 5.5-6) metallic, opaque, steel grey to silver white mineral with a relatively high specific gravity of 6.1

34. Gravity is unalterable but the forms to reflect gravity are diverse.

35. It was gravity.

36. The name Barite is from the Greek word "barys" which means "heavy" referring to the minerals high specific gravity

37. It is a hard (Mohs 5.5-6) metallic, opaque, steel grey to silver white mineral with a relatively high specific gravity of 6.1.

38. Trees defy gravity.

39. Concentrating ability Urine specific gravity (USG) and osmolality are measures of the solute concentration in urine and are used to assess tubular function, i.e

40. These women benefit from early identification and supportive interventions (Floyd et al., 1999; Hankin and Sokol, 1995; Testa and Reifman, 1996; Testa and Leonard, 1995; Abel, 1995; Ihlen et al., 1990; Smith and Coles, 1991).

41. In a word, gravity.

42. Acceleration due to gravity

43. Uh, gravity, electron density.

44. Zero gravity what's like?

45. The material, adding valuable background "[58] Testa imperforata ovato-cylindrica, gracili, pellucide fulva; Anfract

46. Acceleration of gravity (9.81)

47. Particle Gravity Screen Saver

48. With a high specific gravity of 4.5, Barytes is distinctive in non-metallic industrial minerals and has wide usage in numerous industrial and medicinal applications

49. This high-specific-gravity mineral is the most widely used weight Barite, has application in all drilling fluid systems, and meets all API specifications for Barite.

50. It is shown that the specific gravity of the coarse aggregate and the consistency are two important factors influencing the trend for internal segregation during vibration.

51. I can feel the gravity.

52. I heard " gravity " and " surf. "

53. Zero gravity what's it like?

54. 8) Capillarity and Gravity-Drops may lose their spherical shape under the influence of gravity

55. – The designer Armando Testa is a key figure in modern Italian graphic design, and more specifically in advertising.

56. 18 METHODS:The minimum loading capacities of ulcer paste, crystal ointment and zinc oxide liniment were examined by specific gravity method, capacity substitution method and capacity addition method.

57. g: acceleration due to gravity

58. Brackish water has a salinity between 0.5 and 2 ppt of dissolved salts with a specific gravity between 1.0004 and 1.0015 for water at 77 degrees Fahrenheit

59. Gravity to send a message.

60. Gravity feed: Airbrushes use gravity to pull the medium from a cup attached to the top

61. Gravity is a form of magnetism.

62. Definition of Brucite : a mineral Mg (OH)2 consisting of native magnesium hydroxide occurring in thin pearly folia and in fibrous form (hardness 2.5, specific gravity 2.38–2.40)

63. The gravity referenced angle sensors (clinometers) measure the angle of the mast/feed beam relative to gravity.

64. acceleration due to gravity (m/s

65. gram; also, acceleration due to gravity

66. All objects are subject to gravity.

67. The fact that gravity bends light.

68. Here we look at how to make a gravity bong, and the best gravity Bongs you can buy

69. The device was driven by gravity.

70. We understood gravity; we understood aerodynamics.

71. His gravity made us laugh immoderately.

72. Baryte is composed of barium sulfate and was named by Dietrich Karsten in 1800 from the Greek word βάρυζ (heavy) because of its distinctly high specific gravity of 4.5.

73. Production of Barite from Arkansas was used exclusively as a weighting agent in drilling muds in the oil and gas industry, due to its relatively high specific gravity (4.5).

74. Gravity Well for Backsite C Peek

75. acceleration due to gravity (m/s2).

76. A0340 Acoustic-gravity wave A gravity wave which is propagated through the atmosphere with the speed of sound.

77. I'm going to make a connection between centripetal acceleration and perceived gravity The way that you perceive gravity.

78. Amatembu New pattern launch and gravity data

79. acceleration due to gravity: g = #,# m/s

80. One such is ‘the law of gravity.’