Use "specific cause" in a sentence

1. Several specific health conditions can cause blood Clots

2. The most common cause is idiopathic or non-specific pericarditis.

3. In a majority of cases , a specific cause is not found .

4. Your card may have specific restrictions which cause the transaction to be declined.

5. It focuses on the specificity and specific functions of proximate cause on insurance law.

6. 19 It focuses on the specificity and specific functions of proximate cause on insurance law.

7. However, using too much Compost as soil amendment can cause certain problems, especially with specific plants.

8. Is Making the Liquid Thermometer with Mercury Just be Cause the Latter Has Small Specific Heat?

9. Tuberculosis, lymphogranuloma venereum (caused by Chlamydia trachomatis), Neisseria gonorrhoeae and actinomycosis can cause perianal suppuration, resulting in a specific clinical presentation requiring a specific treatment strategy.

10. In addition to these disorders, two specific enzyme defects have been reported to cause primary adult gout.

11. In order to find out if this condition is curable or not we must first find out the cause of Azoospermia as its treatment is cause specific.

12. In these diseases, the gene defects that cause Autoimmunity affect specific immune mechanisms that are needed to maintain tolerance

13. Chauvinism, though often wrongly considered to be gender-specific, is simply biased devotion to any cause, group or idea

14. Specific aspects of laboratory practice and particular areas of accreditation which may cause problems for analytical laboratories are also discussed.

15. Second, Commitment additionally includes the responsibility to practice specific activities [Gk poieo— to do, cause, commit; prasso— to do, practice, commit]

16. A Carcinogen is a specific chemical or physical agent that has the ability to cause cancer in individuals exposed to that agent

17. Cause synonyms, Cause pronunciation, Cause translation, English dictionary definition of Cause

18. Koch relied on Cohn's observations in his classic work (1876), The etiology of anthrax based on the life history of Bacillus anthracis , which provided the first proof that a specific microorganism could cause a specific

19. Mutations in daf-2 and daf-7 , which cause constitutive dauer formation under favorable environmental conditions, also result in dauer-specific IL2 Arborization.

20. Actual Cause: Cause in fact in this entry but-for Cause: Cause in fact in this entry Cause in fact: a Cause without which the result would not have occurred called also actual Cause but-for Cause

21. Antitoxin: An antibody produced in response to and capable of neutralizing a specific biologic toxin such as those that cause diphtheria, gas gangrene, or tetanus

22. Specific promoters are activated in specific cells.

23. Some specific foods are linked to specific cancers.

24. A worthy/deserving Cause (= a good Cause) The Red Cross is a very worthy Cause

25. The criminal act could cause an overdraft or cause a subsequent debit to cause one.

26. Both specific surface area and specific volume increased.

27. General and Specific Averments (a) The material facts on which a cause of action or defense is based shall be stated in a concise and summary form

28. These reports are agency-specific, process specific (import, export, transit), and trade specific (Customs broker, transporter), etc.

29. Like antibiotics, specific Antivirals are used for specific viruses

30. Specific introductions.

31. 23 Causation includes cause in fact and legal cause or proximate cause in the Anglo - Saxon Law.

32. It's specific.

33. Biofilms can cause a variety of health problems, ranging from a common earache to a specific bacterial infection found in people living with a genetic disease called cystic fibrosis

34. Such patients should be referred to an allergist to determine the specific cause of the allergic reaction and to assess which vaccines should be avoided and for how long.

35. 'Causative' means operating as a cause or expressing a cause

36. In addition, biome-specific Crates can contain biome-specific loot

37. An Attribution style is defined as a tendency to consis-tently contribute positive and negative outcomes to a specific type of cause (e.g., internal or external, stable or unstable)

38. Ballasts are designed to operate with a specific type of lamp of a specific type at a specific voltage

39. Well, pneumonia can cause DIC which can cause cyanotic fingers.

40. Devise specific tactics.

41. The invention further provides antibodies specific for ADMA; antibodies specific for modified SDMA; and antibodies specific for modified arginine.

42. 1:9, 10) The man who has a genuine love of righteousness in his heart does not need specific laws condemning such things to cause him to abstain from them.

43. Antitoxin: An antibody produced in response to and capable of neutralizing a specific biologic toxin such as those that cause diphtheria, gas gangrene, or tetanus.Antitoxins are used prophylactically and therapeutically.

44. Specific Backwardness Treatment

45. Nerves, if they are injured, can cause paralysis, can cause pain.

46. Cause of admittance?

47. 'Cause I don't.

48. Then cause disruptions.

49. Stroke—Its Cause

50. Customizations Cause Problems

51. — Specific wave guide

52. 'Cause they whistle.

53. Barless Blowzing other than March 1, 2013 3:37 am are solving specific problems and helping specific… people with a specific problem

54. Specific Bequests: A specific bequest is a gift (bequest) or a specific item or asset to a named person or entity

55. Dangers of Specific Bequests and General Bequests Posted September 7, 2011 March 12, 2021 Kevin Pollock A specific bequest is a gift of a specific piece of property to a specific person.

56. The dosage for Allopurinol depends upon the specific patient and the specific problem

57. May cause sterility.

58. In your case, Cause is used like an abbreviation, which is 'Cause

59. Cause Layouts Announces Winner of $1,000 in "Choose Your Cause" Contest * Can Cause anaphylactic or encephalopathic reaction to the vaccine

60. And if you want to get more specific, it's actually specific zip codes.

61. We monitor specific activity.

62. 30 Of cause storms do cause problems, but one should not repudiate them.

63. Diffuse Alveolar hemorrhage is not a specific disorder, but a syndrome that has a specific differential diagnosis and a specific sequence of testing

64. You may select a specific country, language or channel to get more specific estimates.

65. And the specific barrier is a specific epitope called the galactosyl, or gal epitope.

66. Apart from the specific trends highlighted above, which cause some investors to worry, the report portrays an overall optimism borne by the recent healthy real-estate "upcycle" and improving economy

67. (g) aggregate, project-specific and country-specific financial and technological support to developing countries;

68. Embassy/Consulate-Specific Information

69. Bluejacks are location specific

70. Information about specific Chromosomes

71. He was very specific.

72. Bundle of Specific Acquittances

73. Aerodynamics specific to gliders

74. She was very specific.

75. Sometimes I'd cause accidents.

76. Itch mites cause scabies.

77. Basic Cause of Ingratitude

78. No cause for concern.

79. You deserted our cause.

80. 'Cause it's true love?