Use "specific" in a sentence

1. Specific promoters are activated in specific cells.

2. Some specific foods are linked to specific cancers.

3. Both specific surface area and specific volume increased.

4. These reports are agency-specific, process specific (import, export, transit), and trade specific (Customs broker, transporter), etc.

5. Like antibiotics, specific Antivirals are used for specific viruses

6. Specific introductions.

7. It's specific.

8. In addition, biome-specific Crates can contain biome-specific loot

9. Ballasts are designed to operate with a specific type of lamp of a specific type at a specific voltage

10. Devise specific tactics.

11. The invention further provides antibodies specific for ADMA; antibodies specific for modified SDMA; and antibodies specific for modified arginine.

12. Specific Backwardness Treatment

13. — Specific wave guide

14. Barless Blowzing other than March 1, 2013 3:37 am are solving specific problems and helping specific… people with a specific problem

15. Specific Bequests: A specific bequest is a gift (bequest) or a specific item or asset to a named person or entity

16. Dangers of Specific Bequests and General Bequests Posted September 7, 2011 March 12, 2021 Kevin Pollock A specific bequest is a gift of a specific piece of property to a specific person.

17. The dosage for Allopurinol depends upon the specific patient and the specific problem

18. And if you want to get more specific, it's actually specific zip codes.

19. We monitor specific activity.

20. Diffuse Alveolar hemorrhage is not a specific disorder, but a syndrome that has a specific differential diagnosis and a specific sequence of testing

21. You may select a specific country, language or channel to get more specific estimates.

22. And the specific barrier is a specific epitope called the galactosyl, or gal epitope.

23. (g) aggregate, project-specific and country-specific financial and technological support to developing countries;

24. Embassy/Consulate-Specific Information

25. Bluejacks are location specific

26. Information about specific Chromosomes

27. He was very specific.

28. Bundle of Specific Acquittances

29. Aerodynamics specific to gliders

30. She was very specific.

31. Display specific alert types:

32. Biometry in specific situations 55


34. Specific alowances for credit risk

35. Specific Bequests – Specific Bequests are those that allocate a particular asset to a particular beneficiary

36. When the victimology's this specific, we know the victims represent a specific person to him.


38. Specific Cases, Irish loading gauges

39. Specific Home Amenities and Features

40. Non-specific signs of inflammation.

41. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information

42. In the case of specific Backwardness in specific subject area, remedial teaching has proved very useful

43. For example, each row describes a specific retail department, which the advertiser associates with specific campaigns.

44. From mobile apps to specific product pages, each type of property has a specific address format.

45. Here's how to filter ads from general or specific categories, or from specific AdSense advertiser domains:

46. In addition, there are a number of specific rules which are applicable to specific foods.

47. Animal training is the act of teaching animals specific responses to specific conditions or stimuli.

48. Crossbreeds in specific animals Cats

49. Application specific Blockchain knowledge (e.g

50. The specific Analytes of interest

51. Chocolate Buttholes, to be specific

52. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Information

53. Well, bragging, to be specific.

54. Specific changes are as follows.

55. Investigate a specific ad break

56. Affinities offer specific bonuses and disadvantages, described on the affinity-specific pages." Casting an ability of a specific affinity will raise it slightly with use

57. Basidiospores are specific to basidiomycetes since they are produced inside basidiomycetes’ specific special structures called basidia.

58. "Behaviors," countable and often plural, refers to specific ways of acting in specific situations

59. Direct people to specific pages on your website – your opening hours, a specific product or more.

60. The Ambient monitoring network is not designed to represent specific areas, specific sensitive populations, or ecosystems

61. What are your specific aims?

62. Again, publish specific chasten standard.

63. C1-inhibitor prevents non-specific plasminogen activation by a prourokinase mutant without impeding fibrin-specific fibrinolysis

64. Provided herein are specific examples of tumor or tumor-stage linked protein fingerprints and specific proteins identified from these fingerprints as being aberrantly expressed in specific diseased cell types.

65. Customer-specific, industry-specific and market-specific further developments and new developments are being pushed permanently and continuously, including such special designs as spring-charged and lightweight Accumulators.

66. RNA Codons designate specific amino acids

67. Accersition Control port for specific use

68. Instead, use specific times and dates.

69. A distinction is made between general and specific Aptitudes, or between general and specific aspects of aptitude

70. Delete Cookies from a specific site

71. Weapon Specific Crosshairs with Weapon Icon

72. Backends create keys identifying specific contents

73. Additional provisions for the specific functioning of the EAFRD are set out in the relevant sector specific legislation.

74. in section, the text ‘Specific case Sweden (“T”)’ is replaced by the text ‘Specific case Sweden (“T1”)’;

75. It is aimed for development of custom development environments, either for a specific language or a specific scenario.

76. Meaning of a Cheque: A Cheque is a negotiable instrument instructing a financial Institution to pay a specific amount of specific currency from a specific demand account held in …

77. Include specific keywords that directly relate to the specific theme of your ad group and landing page.

78. Antisera) is a blood serum containing antibodies against specific antigens, injected to treat or protect against specific diseases

79. To target readers using specific devices:

80. I can't give you specific dates.