Use "speak for" in a sentence

1. You speak for me?

2. 3 Recent events speak for themselves.

3. Marshal, you speak for the money.

4. He couldn't speak for ten minutes.

5. 6 The results speak for themselves.

6. 5 I couldn't speak for laughing.

7. 22 The simple facts speak for themselves.

8. 7 I speak for all my colleagues.

9. 24 The confirmation numbers speak for themselves.

10. 10 What have you to speak for yourself?

11. How can a belted knight speak for us?

12. Who is prepared to speak for the accused?

13. 21 They didn't speak for a very long time.

14. 20 How can a belted knight speak for us?

15. What's that, tech speak for, " I struck out, boss "?

16. Her deplorable religious and moral conditions speak for themselves.

17. 23 Religion is thus allowed to speak for itself.

18. 8 Who is prepared to speak for the accused?

19. 1 Have you got anyone to speak for you?

20. 4 The events of that evening speak for themselves.

21. Eventually, abstinence and changed behavior will speak for themselves.

22. Well, okay, I can’t speak for all varieties of Borscht…

23. She could hardly speak for the ache in her heart.

24. Christians recommend themselves by letting their conduct speak for itself!

25. And now you speak for the Good Masters of Astapor.

26. Anele Lundborg, Actress: The Coroner: I Speak for the Dead

27. 9 I speak for all 000 members of our organization.

28. You wanted to speak for yourself but weren't allowed to, right?

29. 19 Paisley claims to speak for the majority of local people.

30. 4 Paisley claims to speak for the majority of local people.

31. 15 She could hardly speak for the ache in her heart.

32. The benefits speak for themselves, but it does have its downside.

33. In this oracular role, though, she does not speak for herself.

34. She returned to speak for him at the 2012 Democratic National Convention.

35. 30 She obviously knows what she's doing - the facts speak for themselves.

36. 26 In this oracular role, though, she does not speak for herself.

37. 14 "We're not blaming you," Kate said. "Speak for yourself," Boris muttered.

38. We had no one to speak for us, we had no redress.

39. 513-920 Phone Numbers Antitheistical Believe people can speak for your release

40. He discreetly chose to let his public record speak for itself. —Matt.

41. I speak for King Tommen of House Baratheon, First of His Name.

42. Amid the general ventriloquism she does often manage to speak for herself.

43. 18 Each candidate has to speak for three minutes on their chosen subject.

44. 13 I'm going to ask each of you to speak for three minutes.

45. 12 I can't speak for the others, but I'd love to come myself.

46. 2 I myself agree with you, but I can't speak for my boss.

47. 22 I myself agree with you, but I can't speak for my boss.

48. 16 He had a coughing fit and couldn't speak for a few moments.

49. 25 We had no one to speak for us,( we had no redress.

50. He said it was the job of the Church to speak for the underprivileged.

51. I can't speak for the rest of you, but I claim an ancient privilege.

52. Since I'm hoarse as a Crow today, I'm not going to speak for much longer

53. In other words, documents, which according to the court "speak for themselves," carry more weight.

54. 28 He said it was the job of the Church to speak for the underprivileged.

55. 17 He believes that his records speak for themselves and ignores those who diss him.

56. 11 Overcome with/by emotion, she found herself unable to speak for a few minutes.

57. * A prophet is a person who has been called by God to speak for Him.

58. I can't attend the meeting in person, but I am sending someone to speak for me.

59. In such a case the purchaser may plead res ipsa loquitur - the facts speak for themselves.

60. Surely the worldwide epidemics of sexually transmitted diseases, broken homes, and teenage pregnancies speak for themselves.

61. Following his surgery Bill could not speak for ten days and had four weeks of vocal rehabilitation.

62. Sculptors of monuments which are commissioned to speak for others, then, are placed in an unenviable position.

63. 27 I can't attend the meeting in person, but I am sending someone to speak for me.

64. 1 In such a case the purchaser may plead res ipsa loquitur - the facts speak for themselves.

65. Facts should normally be allowed to speak for themselves: to spell out a conclusion may spell danger.

66. She appears to speak for the character, addressing his problems directly, like the chorus of a classical tragedy.

67. Aphonia is a general diagnosis given to patient who lost their ability to speak for one of many possible reasons

68. Description: The petrifying charm. With this charm the victim is unable to move or speak for a period of time.

69. The facts of male homosexuality are also endlessly misrepresented and confused by the homosexual women who often speak for gay liberation.

70. Not all people are gallant enough to speak for justice, and most of them remain silent on injustice. Dr T.P.Chia 

71. When Cardinal Spellman was presiding, he had such difficulty making himself understood that he had to have some one speak for him.

72. A 5G Early Adopter Sings the Praises of the New Technology For now, the jet owner may not speak for the masses

73. China can speak for itself but India certainly does not consider itself to be a major emitter though it is a major economy.

74. 29 When Cardinal Spellman was presiding, he had such difficulty making himself understood that he had to have some one speak for him.

75. When commissioned to be a prophet, Jeremiah responded: “Here I actually do not know how to speak, for I am but a boy.”

76. 'PANDEF, which Arrogates to itself to be a Pan Niger Delta body, does not and cannot represent and speak for the Itsekiri people

77. This too was “a time to speak,” for to remain silent could have been interpreted as a denial of his being the Christ.

78. I can only speak for myself and the liberals I have encountered, but most of us do not portray ALL conservatives as intolerant Bigots

79. This adverse decision against Jehovah’s witnesses in Britain provided an excellent background against which to speak for the Society’s legal counsel and attorney, H.

80. Invoked, the Clotured matter remains the pending business of the Senate until it is disposed of, and no Senator may speak for more than one hour