Use "spanish mackerel" in a sentence

1. It is sometimes confused with Japanese Spanish mackerel, S. niphonius.

2. Japanese Spanish mackerel is an important species for fisheries in east Asia.

3. Albacores,ribbon fish,Spanish mackerel! August 07, 2020 by Devin Cage +7 +7

4. Ribbon fish,false Albacores,Spanish mackerel, moonfish and even a few schools of big red drum around if you’re lucky

5. 24 The annual output of the aquatic product reaches 2000 tons including sea cucumber, prawn, clam, sea worm, oyster, conch, crab, Spanish mackerel, jellyfish etc.

6. Eres ridículo con tu Caballa a siete sestercios.: You are ridiculous with your mackerel for seven sesterces.: No la mates con la Caballa ahumada.: Let's not kill her with a smoked mackerel sandwich.: Su quiché de Caballa es famoso.: Says his Spanish mackerel quiche is world famous.: Podrías quitar la Caballa y comer sólo el pan.: You could always scrape out the mackerel and just eat the bread.