Use "space time continuum" in a sentence

1. It puts too much strain on the space-time continuum.

2. You weren't manipulating the space-time continuum... You were breaking it.

3. " Future me " was afraid of causing a rift... in the space-time continuum.

4. But you must go back six months... to preserve the space-time continuum.

5. He goes back to the science fair, fixes his Memory Scanner, thus restoring the space-time continuum.

6. The reconciliation of variety and unity are addressed in reference to the space-time continuum and the unified field of relativity theory.

7. Axonometry is the reflection of the ancient Chinese thought that space and time are intrinsically related — in modern terminology a space-time continuum

8. In contrast, in the Conjunctive mode of concatenation, the elements (e.g., the bodies of two lovers) do not follow any predetermined pattern or embedded program, giving rise to Conjunctive syntheses that are unrepeatable and unique in the space--time continuum.

9. ‘In place of anything resembling Cheeriness he has a wickedly dark humour, a gift for satire and an imagination powerful enough to leap the space-time continuum in his fiction.’ ‘One justification for his Cheeriness was the knowledge that performing well against the world champion would enhance the validity of his comeback.’