Use "sown land" in a sentence

1. Creativity is like a journey, we are experiencing sown, burgeon and land on wonderful destination.

2. When Mongolia began to report statistics on arable land in 1960, there were 532,000 hectares of arable land, and sown crops covered 265,000 hectares of the 477,000 hectares of plow land.

3. Development of virgin lands by state farms was responsible for most of the expansion of arable land and sown areas.

4. A Seed Was Sown

5. We reap as we have sown.

6. We've sown that field with wheat.

7. How a Seed of Truth Was Sown

8. The grass was sown in the stadium.

9. They have sown and reaped much pain.

10. What is sown is reaped (7, 8)

11. He was reaping the harvest he had sown.

12. I have sown the millet in this plot.

13. And his seed* is sown by many waters.

14. However, the seeds of truth had been sown.

15. The fields around had been sown with wheat.

16. Yesterday the field opposite was sown with maize.

17. You must reap what you have sown. 

18. These fields used to be sown with oats.

19. Seeds of these plants are sown in moist sand.

20. Rye has many advantages as a winter - sown crop.

21. The seeds may be sown outdoors in the spring.

22. He has sown coffee on part of his acreage.

23. 5 Yesterday the field opposite was sown with maize.

24. The seed being sown is “the word of God.”

25. They will flower one year after they are sown.

26. 1 I have sown the millet in this plot.

27. Columbine may be grown from seed sown early indoors and transplanted outside after frost, or sown directly in the garden, or grown from potted plants.

28. Are the seeds of criminal behaviour sown early in life?

29. What has resulted from the seed sown by the optician?

30. 13 They have sown wheat, but they have reaped thorns.

31. What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable.

32. She has sown hatred and hypocrisy and will reap destruction.

33. The sad results are a reaping of what has been sown.

34. But even before Edward's time, seeds of dissension had been sown.

35. ' sorry,'says the head lumberjack and sown, " you're just too small. "

36. Fine seed is sown: Jesus’ disciples are anointed with holy spirit

37. 9 However, what about the Kingdom seed sown in good soil?

38. The seeds will sprout in 3 days after they are sown.

39. Achillea may be grown from seed sown early indoors and transplanted outside after frost, or sown directly in the garden in summer, or grown from potted plants

40. It is sown in corruption, it is raised up in incorruption.”

41. 18 There are still others that are sown among the thorns.

42. There is no scope for expansion in the net sown area .

43. And a man reaps what he has sown with his words.

44. 3 In one of his illustrations, Jesus mentioned seed sown among thorns.

45. When they reap what they have sown, they cry out, “Why me?”

46. Once the softened soil was plowed, wheat and barley could be sown.

47. How are many who lead unclean lives ‘reaping what they have sown’?

48. The seeds of friendship were sown early, and they remained lifelong companions.

49. The seeds of friendship were sown early,( and they remained lifelong companions.

50. Why was the seed sown in good soil able to produce good fruit?

51. The seeds of disunity were sown even before missionaries set sail for Africa.

52. The seeds of his sin were evidently sown over a period of time.

53. Collards can be started from transplants or from seeds sown directly in the garden

54. Brazenly indisposing - miniatures decarbonating chorographic tranquilly Buccinatory detribalize Alfonse, stupefying stinking self-sown amoralism

55. And in his mind there was firmly sown, A lovely and a wondrous dream.

56. How terribly ill he looks, but he's only reaping as he has sown in youth.

57. The seeds that had been sown were almost completely washed away by a sudden downpour.

58. The state sector accounted for 80.6 percent of sown areas, and cooperatives, for 19.4 percent.

59. What prevented the “seed” sown in the first three types of soil from producing fruitage?

60. Peas may still be sown, and French beans also, as may cabbage and Colewort seed

61. What is being done to reduce the risk of trauma in lands sown with mines?

62. (a) that have been sown and for which all normal cultivation work has been completed;

63. I respect those who have fallen bravely, but they have reaped what they have sown....

64. 16 The first is under a spring-sown crop of dredge corn, usually in April.

65. Synonyms for Bestrewn include scattered, strewn, strewed, sprinkled, peppered, sown, sprayed, dotted, spotted and spread

66. Green manures are crops that are generally sown after the main crop has been harvested.

67. The seeds of the future financial city were sown with the first large scale bank.

68. Arable land (hectares) Arable land (hectares per person) Agricultural land (% of land area) Forest area (% of land area) Agricultural land (sq

69. Apparently, he had sown his wild oats with a girl while driving her car in Romania.

70. In order for the body of a plant to develop, the sown grain must die.

71. “It is sown a physical body, it is raised up a spiritual body,” wrote Paul.

72. The Franco - Prussian war had sown seeds of enmity which were eventually to bear fruit.

73. Propagation of Buckbrush: Seed - best sown as soon as it is ripe in a cold frame

74. In this sense farmers today are in danger of reaping the whirlwind sown by their forefathers.

75. We are reaping what we have sown with a steadily more illiterate society immersed in trivia.

76. Archive 2007-03-01 Thereto his heart thick-sown with blindness Cloudily dark'ning, Poems and Fragments

77. Mongolia's 25 state farms accounted for 77.5 percent of sown areas, and cooperatives, for 22.5 percent.

78. If your review does not stop them, at least your rapier has sown confusion and dismay.

79. Now that you've sown doubts in my mind, I'll never again be sure I can trust him.

80. Border land synonyms, Border land pronunciation, Border land translation, English dictionary definition of Border land