Use "sorceries" in a sentence

1. She who is attractive and charming, a mistress of sorceries,

2. Buyback is a keyword ability that appears on instants and sorceries

3. Synonyms for Bewitchings include spells, incantations, enchantment, magic, charm, sorceries, abracadabras, conjuration, bewitchment and voodoo

4. The life and death of Levvis Gaufredy : a priest of the Church of the Accoules in Marceilles in France, (who after hee had giuen him selfe soule and bodie to the Diuell) committed many most Abhominable sorceries, but chiefly vpon two very faire young gentle-women, Mistris Magdalene of the Marish, and Mistris Victoire Corbier, whose horrible life being made manifest, hee was arraigned and