Use "sorcerers" in a sentence

1. The enchanters, the sorcerers, or the astrologers?

2. Sorcerers who divine nothing except what I tell them.

3. Sorcerers and traditional healers use this fear to exploit people.

4. He has sorcerers and Wizards that are loyal to him

5. Illness is often believed to be caused by evil spirits or sorcerers.

6. Wizards and sorcerers of the world descend upon Albian for the magical convention of …

7. The leader of a band of renegade sorcerers sworn to bring down the King.

8. Synonyms for Augurers include sorcerers, magicians, magi, necromancers, witches, wizards, voodooists, warlocks, enchantresses and charmers

9. My Lord, one of our sorcerers from the Boundary has sent news from Kaldrith

10. During the Middle Ages, stories about alchemists, sorcerers, and witches were rampant throughout the realm of Christendom.

11. Mediums, astrologers, fortune tellers, and sorcerers are inspired by Satan even if they claim to follow God.

12. Jehovah will become a speedy witness against sorcerers, adulterers, those swearing falsely, defrauders, and oppressors. —3:1-5.

13. But what a rebuff the latter suffered when Aaron’s rod swallowed up those of the sorcerers!

14. Bast is also linked with ghouls by some Saracen sorcerers, who call her "the Chewer of Corpses"

15. However, the versatility of the Cauldron means that it is also sought after by alchemists and sorcerers who concoct strange experiments

16. There are also other types of weretigers, such as sorcerers with great powers who can change their form to become animals.

17. Antinomy is a head to head battle of wits as 2 competing sorcerers search the depths of space and time for powerful Paradox Crystals

18. Antinomy is a head to head battle of wits as 2 competing sorcerers search the depths of space and time for powerful Paradox Crystals

19. 2 So the king gave the order to summon the magic-practicing priests, the conjurers, the sorcerers, and the Chal·deʹans* to tell the king his dreams.

20. Anamorphosis was originally considered a geometric method unknown to most and for this reason it was seen as a magical doctrine, an incomprehensible matter practiced by sorcerers and enchanters

21. Limbaugh's Hell resume, I'd like to present a bit of a list of those housed in the Malabolgia: panders, flatterers, simonists, sorcerers, Barrators, hypocrites, thieves, deceivers, sowers of discord, and falsifiers

22. But the fearefull and vnbelevynge and the Abhominable and murdrers and whormongers and sorcerers and ydolaters and all lyars shall have their parte in the lake which burnyth with fyre and brymstone which is the seconde deth

23. They say this town is full of Cozenage, As nimble jugglers that deceive the eye, Dark-working sorcerers that change the mind, 100 Soul-killing witches that deform the body, Disguised cheaters, prating mountebanks, And many suchlike liberties of sin

24. 5 “I will come near to you for judgment, and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers,+ against the adulterers, against those who take false oaths,+ against those who defraud the hired worker,+ the widow, and the fatherless child,*+ and against those who refuse to help* the foreigner.

25. (James 1:27; 4:4) Through Malachi, Jehovah had warned: “I will become a speedy witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against those swearing falsely, and against those acting fraudulently with the wages of a wage worker, with the widow and with the fatherless boy.”

26. There are currently eight decks (each sold separately): Arcane Spell Deck (For any class that utilizes Arcane cantrips and spells like wizards and sorcerers), Bard Spell Deck, Cleric Spell Deck, Druid Spell Deck, Paladin Spell Deck, Martial Powers & Races Deck (Includes spell-like racial abilities, Monk and Barbarian spell-like abilities, and

27. The Fairy Godmother, Gwendolyn, has called upon you to help her prepare for the official Convention of Magic Masters being held at her home, Albian Castle, in only a few weeks! Wizards and sorcerers of the world descend upon Albian for the magical convention of a lifetime, and it’s up to you to make sure that the castle is ready!

28. 8 Consequently, Jehovah told them: “I will come near to you people for the judgment, and I will become a speedy witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against those swearing falsely, and against those acting fraudulently with the wages of a wage worker, with the widow and with the fatherless boy, and those turning away the alien resident, while they have not feared me, . . . for I am Jehovah; I have not changed.”

29. 14 Together with the priestly remnant, this great crowd must heed God’s further words: “I will come near to you people for the judgment, and I will become a speedy witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against those swearing falsely, and against those acting fraudulently with the wages of a wage worker, with the widow and with the fatherless boy, and those turning away the alien resident, while they have not feared me . . .