Use "sophists" in a sentence

1. Many politicians are cunning sophists.

2. Ancient Greek sophists educational activity has a profound historical background.

3. In the teachings of the Sophists may be traced a tendency to Apotheosize the 'atomic' individual.

4. Amphiboly is one of the thirteen fallacies identified by Aristotle in On Sophistical Refutations3, as well as one of the six that depend on language. The word "sophistical" in the title of the treatise refers to the sophists, who were teachers of rhetoric in Aristotle's time.

5. The "Chalcedonian giant," Thrasymachus, of whom we have already heard in the Phaedrus, is the personification of the Sophists, according to Plato's conception of them, in some of their worst Characteristics.He is vain and blustering, refusing to discourse unless he is paid, fond of making an oration, and hoping thereby to escape the inevitable Socrates; but a mere child in argument, and …