Use "song of songs" in a sentence

1. Song of Songs 2:4 He brought me to the Banquetinghouse, and his banner over me was love.

2. Athirst For God: Spiritual Desire in Bernard of Clairvaux's Sermons on the Song of Songs (Volume 77) (Cistercian Studies)

3. Song of Songs 6:4 Fair 'art' thou, my friend, as Tirzah, Comely as Jerusalem, Awe-inspiring as Banneredhosts.

4. In her own writings she went considerably beyond the biblical Song of Songs or even Hindu devotional language in her descriptions.

5. Citrons (2 Occurrences) Song of Songs 2:5 Sustain me with grape-cakes, Support me with Citrons, for I 'am' sick with love

6. Athirst For God: Spiritual Desire in Bernard of Clairvaux's Sermons on the Song of Songs (Volume 77) (Cistercian Studies) [Casey OCSO, Michael] on

7. If it is lovemaking, then the opening lines of the Song of Songs, sometimes called the Song of Solomon, raises some serious and Biblically sticky questions.

8. (YLT) Song of Songs 7:8 I said, 'Let me go up on the palm, Let me lay hold on its boughs, Yea, let thy breasts be, I pray thee, as clusters of the vine, And the fragrance of thy face as Citrons…

9. 1655, Observationes in Willerami Abbatis Francicam paraphrasin Cantici Canticorum "Notes on Abbot Williram's Frankish paraphrase of the Song of Songs" 1655, Annotationes in harmoniam Latino-Francicam quatuor evangelistarum, latine a Tatiano confectam "Annotations on the Latin-Frankish harmony of the four Gospels, with the Latin of Tatian" (i.e. the Diatessaron) 1655, Cædmonis monachi paraphrasis poetica Genesios ac praecipuarum sacrae paginae historiarum, abhinc annos M.LXX. Anglo-Saxonice conscripta, et nunc primum edita "The poetical paraphrase by the monk Cædmon of Genesis and the other principal pages of sacred history, composed in Anglo-Saxon 1070 years ago, and now edited for the first time".