Use "somewhere in the middle" in a sentence

1. Somewhere in the middle of The Sean Parker Variety Hour?

2. A compass shows you magnetic North, somewhere in the middle of Canada

3. The train stopped somewhere in the middle of a flat plain and we marched eastwards.

4. Many Androgynous people think that they’re somewhere in the middle between a man and a woman

5. And that penalty spot... is lost somewhere in the middle of a desperate patch of mud.

6. Would the ignored condition be more like the acknowledged or more like the shredder, or somewhere in the middle?

7. Somewhere in the middle of this dilemma are the sunscreen manufacturers with their high protection sunscreens - skin's saving grace.

8. Somewhere in the middle of the conflicting forces Bush must decide whether stem cell research should get federal funding.

9. The major difficulty is to find somewhere in the Middle Last in which seclusion and moderate comfort can be combined.

10. Located between the buzzing with a city life Samarkand, and like-a-history-museum Khiva, Bukhara places itself somewhere in the middle

11. What does Compromise mean? The definition of a Compromise is when two sides give up some demands to meet somewhere in the middle

12. "Yesterday I had only 18 fighters, " the Qomendan said, his unwavering gaze fixed on a point somewhere in the middle of the low-ceilinged room. "You saw how many mercenaries and Americans were there.

13. The word "Ambivert" is defined in the Merrian-Webster dictionary as "a person having characteristics of both extrovert and introvert." In other words, they fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum.

14. If you’re an Ambivert, your preference will often be somewhere in the middle—you choose to have a drink with a friend after work but then afterward go home and take a long walk with the dog.”

15. We basically ended up putting things either on the top of the page, on the bottom of the page, or somewhere in the middle because we didn't have a finer- grained way of looking at the relevance, especially across different media types.

16. Cropper (plural Croppers) (normally confined to the expression come a Cropper) A fall, a tumble.1900, Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams, Avon Books, (translated by James Strachey) page: 185: But to myself I thought: ‘Considering that for eight whole years I sat on the front bench as top of the class while he drifted about somewhere in the middle