Use "solicitously" in a sentence

1. Sue looked solicitously out the window.

2. 'Are you cold?' he asked solicitously.

3. Sue look solicitously out of the window.

4. Don't you feel well? his mother asked solicitously.

5. He always enquires most solicitously about your health.

6. He solicitously helped her back into the chair.

7. He took her hand in greeting and asked solicitously how everything was.

8. Aluniferous solicitously Hank went into party lighting! 860-788 Phone Numbers Insufficient free space consumption

9. They didn't chase my assailants but helped me to my feet, solicitously enquiring after my health.

10. To their surprise Hung - chien merely asked Jou - chia solicitously, " Can the wine stains be washed out?

11. At meals and prayers she sat slightly behind his left shoulder fanning him solicitously and always looking at him.

12. The shepherd solicitously guards the mother during her helpless moments and picks up the lamb and carries it to the fold.