Use "solecisms" in a sentence

1. She commits a lot of solecisms.

2. ‘His playing has the Afflatus of genius and the purity of a child.’ More example sentences ‘That's an ambitious enterprise and, regrettably, the work is let down from achieving such divine Afflatus by sloppy editing and far too many solecisms.’

3. The doggerel and generally deformed (as you rightly say, hindered, averse, thwarted, delayed, Backwardly) rhythms and rimes, bathos, peculiarity and solecisms, have a double function of being unheimlich while also being--homesickness even at home and at home with homesickness.

4. We must investigate what produces solecisms, and not merely Adduce examples.: That was a case where diminished responsibility was not raised at the trial but it was later sought to Adduce medical evidence on the issue.: Editors at the New York Times did not need to be clairvoyant to Adduce the massive evidence to that effect.: It does not require even half an education to guess why he feels