Use "soils" in a sentence

1. Legend: # = Organic; # = Sandy Soils; # = Wetland Soils; # = Volcanic Soils; # = Spodic Soils; # = High Activity Clay Soils; # = Low Activity Clay Soils; # = Other Areas

2. Alluvial soils are soils deposited by surface water

3. Regosolic and Gleysolic soils Landform: alluvial floodplain deposits Soils:

4. Anthropogenic Soils soils originating as a result of human activity

5. Bearberry is commonly found in dry, non-nutrient soils such as sand, soils on rock outcrops and shallow soils

6. the degradation of tebufenozide in anaerobic soils and soils of alkaline pH.

7. It is found on alluvial soils, generally on shale or basalt soils.

8. Low activity clay soils

9. (2) the degradation of tebufenozide in anaerobic soils and soils of alkaline pH.

10. High activity clay soils

11. Colluvial soils are soils developed on Colluvium and tend to be stony and unproductive.

12. Acid soils have a pH below 7 and alkaline soils have a pH above 7.

13. The author proposes a classification of paleosoils which divides them into 5 main categories: Autochtonic relic soils, autochtonic buried soils, Allochtonic pseudopaleosoils, Superposed soils or heterosoils, Pedolithes.

14. Arid Soils (Aridisol) Typical Characteristics

15. Intensive farming is depleting soils.

16. The exchangeable acidity in constant charge soils is pronouncedly larger than that in variable charge soils.

17. Most are alluvial, sandy and shallow soils, while less frequent entisol types include clay and waterlogged soils

18. Most are alluvial, sandy and shallow soils, while less frequent entisol types include clay and waterlogged soils.

19. Lateral earth pressure, active pressure, passive pressure, unsaturated soils, expansive soils, tension cracks, retaining walls, unsupported excavations.

20. Clay soils, composed of very fine particles, have a much higher affinity for water than silty soils.

21. The Azonal soils—alluvials (soils incompletely evolved and stratified without definite profile) and lithosols (shallow soils consisting of imperfectly weathered rock fragments)—occupy much of the Andean massif

22. Azonal soils include some mountain, alluvial, marine, glacial, windblown, and volcanic soils Compare intrAzonal soil, zonal soil

23. Research on naturally Cemented soils (e.g

24. The soils in Halkidiki are mostly light, medium-textured, alkaline soils with a pH of 7,0-8,0.

25. The area has a range of soils, with a predominance of alluvial lithosols and extremely fertile brown soils.

26. Minimisation of drainage on peat soils

27. Pixy Dwarf, good for heavy soils.

28. Aridisols are soils characteristically found in

29. Recent alluvial soils near the Garonne.

30. Centrifuge permeameter for unsaturated soils system

31. • Methane emission and absorption by soils

32. The area has a range of soils, with a predominance of alluvial lithosols and extremely fertile brown soils

33. ‘We studied the genesis and properties of soils in alluvial areas known to be reclaimed by the Alluvion system about 100 years ago, and compared these soils with natural, adjacent alluvial soils.’

34. They are alluvial soils overlying stony terraces.

35. The model can be applied to soils that are dried or loaded from initially slurry conditions, for soils that have low to high air-entry values, and for compacted soils as well.

36. Stripped bare, nothing holds the soils back.

37. Rye is tolerant of poor, acid soils.


39. One occupies relatively dry sandy loam soils.

40. Shallow Clayey [Somewhat excessively well drained soils

41. Alluvial soils usually grow the best crops.

42. ‘We studied the genesis and properties of soils in alluvial areas known to be reclaimed by the Alluvion system about 100 years ago, and compared these soils with natural, adjacent alluvial soils.’

43. All soils and rocks contain some Cadmium

44. Some soils are not suitable for farming.

45. The soils have a rusty red tint.

46. They feature brown calcareous or calcic soils, or slightly leached brown soils that may be acidic when covered with silt.

47. Also help Acidify soils and lower pH levels

48. 2 Some soils are not suitable for farming.

49. The Batholith is characterized by granitic soils and

50. The grafted form will grow in most soils.

51. 4 The soils have a rusty red tint.

52. Banksias generally prefer an acidic soil, though many of the West Australian species grow on acidic top soils with alkaline sub soils

53. The region forms part of the old Iberian plateau, with sandy clay soils of the lacustrine pleistocene era and modern alluvial soils (lowlands).

54. Soils with a low dry density have a lower air-entry value and residual matric suction than soils with a high dry density.

55. • Beaver picnic area PP2/3c Landform: alluvial fans Soils:

56. Alluvial soils are soils which consist of earth and sand left behind on land which has been flooded or where a river once flowed.

57. Biochar is found in soils around the world as…

58. Beans and corn sprout from these nutrient-poor soils.

59. Soils: The flat terrain stretching from the fertile valley of the River Andarax (Almería) to the plains of Níjar is composed of alluvial soils.

60. Loamy and Clayey soils with pH>6.0 Sandy and organic soils with pH 5.5 to 6.5 or Loamy and Clayey soils with pH 5.0 to 6.0 Sandy and organic soils with pH<5.5 or Loamy and Clayey soils with pH<5.0 Na and/or Mg sulfate (ppm) Less than 1000 1000 to 7000 More than 7000 NaCl (ppm) Less than 2000 2000 to 10000 More than 10000

61. Salts are a natural component in soils and water.

62. Soils: The flat terrain stretching from the fertile plain of the River Andarax (Almería) to the fields of Níjar is composed of alluvial soils.

63. Arums are deer-resistant and easy to grow in a range of soils and moisture levels, although part sun and well-drained soils are best

64. Soils with Broadleaved trees We can distinguish between two extreme types of UK woodland soils, differing in the types of trees and underlying geology

65. Clover root Curculio is most likely to be found in June and is apparently more common in sandy soils than in the heavier soils

66. Rich and moist soils such as well–drained alluvial soils, do not support sandalwood well; the heartwood in such trees will be deficient in oil.

67. Bur oak on uplands is often associated with calcareous soils

68. Bugleweeds perform best in well-drained soils in partial shade

69. In Colombia, sandy yellow-brown Azonal soils on slopes and …

70. Most plants will flourish in the rich deep soils here.

71. 103584 ISSN: 0169-7722 Subject: Aridisols, etc ; arid soils; chlorpyrifos

72. Alluvial elements are plentiful, making the soils rich in nutrients.

73. Written proof of disposal of contaminated soils will be required.

74. Aralia Plant Care Prefers moist, fertile, humusy, well-drained soils

75. Magnesite has been found in modern sediments, caves and soils.

76. Eurasian thistle growing in sand dunes and dry chalky soils.

77. Acid rain (e.g. damage to fish populations and forest soils)

78. Agriculture flourished on the fertile soils of Kosovo and Metohija.

79. Community assembly processes and species-Coexistences of agricultural soils microbiome

80. But erosion and contamination are placing soils under severe stress.