Use "social evil" in a sentence

1. This is a social evil.

2. Unemployment is a serious social evil.

3. Redundancy is not a social evil.

4. Howard lost behalf the social evil.

5. I would contend that unemployment is our most serious social evil.

6. We should put an end to the prevalent social evil of parading one's wealth.

7. Overtime Overtime is a business disease and a social evil Throwing money at a problem is the most ineffective form of management.

8. Vivisection is a social evil because if it advances human knowledge, it does so at the expense of human character. George Bernard Shaw 

9. So it was with a certain ebullience that 000 residents of Wuhan recently gathered at the Orient Lucky City racecourse to indulge in what the central leadership terms a "social evil".

10. ‘Male Chauvinism is the major cause for this social evil.’ ‘We do not see any further need for criticizing the cultural Chauvinism and racial discrimination among some Europeans and Americans.’ ‘Serious art is incompatible with Chauvinism, racial hatred and prejudices of all types.’