Use "sobriety" in a sentence

1. Relapse Prevention: Awfulizing Sobriety

2. His sobriety and temperament are questionable.

3. Again he failed a sobriety test.

4. That was our one break with sobriety.

5. I insist on perfect sobriety and silence.

6. Jane's new sobriety surprised her friends.

7. This spiritual sobriety is connected with our worship.

8. The bareness, Cleanness, and sobriety of Doric architecture

9. Sober Cards,Alcoholics Anonymous Gifts, Sobriety Gifts for Men, Sobriety Gifts for Women, Sober Gifts, Recovery Gifts, Inspirational Alcoholic Anonymous Playing Cards

10. She was a model of sobriety and honesty.

11. Eventually those days of sobriety add up to years.

12. 11 Her expression bespoke sobriety and saneness of soul.

13. Step seven emphasizes the importance of humility in maintaining sobriety.

14. Consequently pentecostals have gained a reputation for sobriety, punctuality, and honesty.

15. We sat, staring up at it, awed almost to sobriety.

16. John had periods of sobriety, but always went back to drinking.

17. Her Roman equivalents were Continentia and Sobrietas--continence, moderation, temperance and sobriety.

18. Two addicts made it to sobriety, only to fall off the wagon.

19. Women for Sobriety is a self-help group for women with drinking problems.

20. And he'd been more unkind than usual in this odd period of sobriety.

21. Terry had many periods of sobriety, including eight years in the 1980s.

22. Gentry was stopped May 19 for weaving and failed a roadside sobriety test.

23. Against the sensuality of the romantic, Berlin offered the sobriety of the realist.

24. 13 Gentry was stopped May 19 for weaving and failed a roadside sobriety test.

25. As for the teacher, in most eases, he behaves with a sense of sobriety.

26. What it meant for alcoholics like Vic was an Anguishing choice between sobriety and hypocrisy

27. In fact, the legality of a sobriety test, given the circumstances, is questionable at best.

28. Antonyms for Antics include demureness, heaviness, sedateness, seriousness, sobriety, solemnity, sternness, sense, sensibleness and inactivity

29. The release of the Tanita Tikaram cover Twist in My Sobriety concluded a successful year.

30. But, employing the commercial sobriety for which they were being approached, they all refused.

31. When he was through, Tip sensed the awkward sobriety that had overcome his table.

32. With the wild night, after two months, sobriety, he had a hangover would stiffen an eel.

33. Looking around the room[Sentencedict], I was immediately struck by the sobriety of these undergraduates.

34. We had the priest sitting at our table which instilled a little sobriety into the occasion.

35. 28 With the wild night, after two months, sobriety, he had a hangover would stiffen an eel.

36. Synonyms for Abstemiousness include abstinence, moderation, temperance, asceticism, austerity, restraint, self-denial, self-discipline, sobriety and self-restraint

37. In fact, Terry McGovern had been through treatment many times as she alternated between sobriety and binge drinking.

38. She has many rare and charming qualities, but Sobriety is not one of them. Jane Austen 

39. But were I marking his inaugural effort for its calm sobriety, I fear my assessment would be beta minus.

40. An intoxilyzer test and field sobriety tests are not necessarily required to establish one’s faculties as being Appreciably impaired

41. By way of contrast, his later prose shows a style of accentuated sobriety in which reality and dream are interwoven.

42. Banyan Treatment Center Massachusetts offers drug and alcohol rehab near Boston for patients who are ready to find their sobriety

43. Cashed is a darkly comedic, slice-of-life short film that follows Jess as she navigates economic instability and sudden sobriety

44. There are many synonyms of Chasteness which include Abstemiousness, Asceticism, Chastity, Continence, Determination, Economy, Sobriety, Stoicism, Strictness, Temperance, Prudence, Puritanism, etc.

45. 20 Mortified by the twist in his sobriety, George decided to go the whole hog and join the Total Abstinence Society.

46. Mortified by the twist in his sobriety, George decided to go the whole hog and join the Total Abstinence Society.

47. Cripps Christmas dinners were not noted for their decorum nor their sobriety and sooner or later the bread rolls began to fly.

48. 12 Cripps Christmas dinners were not noted for their decorum nor their sobriety and sooner or later the bread rolls began to fly.

49. 27 The old tiger himself pronounced it a good idea,( even if his friends had to listen in a state of uncharacteristic sobriety.

50. Ask Amy: One brother gets the samovar, the other – Bupkis Ask Amy: Friendship fracture breaks up the band Ask Amy: Former stoner struggles with sobriety

51. How could Bill W., Grand Poobah of sobriety ever have allowed himself to join the Learyesque Acidheads and “turn on, tune in, and drop out?” (Bill W

52. Relapses during treatment are the rule rather than the exception as is also illustrated in five case reports, but Antabuse treatment contributes to longer periods of sobriety

53. Antabuse has been a lifesaver for me after a 10 year struggle with sobriety and chronic relapse leading to hospitalizations, jail, other legal, financial, professional and social disasters and

54. An old Greek source comments that 'many people have good natural abilities which are ruined by idleness; on the other hand, sobriety, zeal and perseverance can prevail over indolence'.

55. Alcoholics Anonymous, the worldwide fellowship of sobriety seekers, is the most effective path to abstinence, according to a comprehensive analysis conducted by a Stanford School of Medicine researcher and his collaborators.

56. Frankie Jonas Addresses Sobriety and Mental Health in His Most Personal TikTok Yet In a TikTok video, Frankie Jonas responded to a fan who wanted more information on why he calls himself a

57. Broidered (9 Occurrences) 1 Timothy 2:9In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in decent apparel, with modesty and sobriety; not with Broideredhair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array, (WBS)

58. Backstair jukuchi suru sobriety احتمالات التوسع، توقعات النمو to implement an agreement surgir, sursauter, se soulever imparare to portray 氣餒 气馁 Board of examiners gray namjera amazonianmangrovekana, Aramides calopterus Begonia bulwiasta adaptive through …

59. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an international mutual aid fellowship with the stated purpose of enabling its members to "stay sober and help other Alcoholics achieve sobriety." AA is nonprofessional, self-supporting, and apolitical

60. BACtrack Breathalysers are not just about reducing drink driving statistics, and avoiding traffic tickets but equally important is the work BACtrack puts into making it easier for you to manage your sobriety when attempting to reduce or eliminate alcohol from your life

61. Aa Birthday Location Temporarily Closed: 7511 Gourmet Alley : 7511 Gourmet Alley: Gilroy: Location Temporarily Closed, Open, Wheelchair Access: 8:00 pm: Gathered Together for Sobriety Online Meeting: Alano Club West : 1555 S 7th St: South San Jose: Babysitting Available, Location Temporarily Closed, Online Meeting, Open, Wheelchair Access: 8:00 pm

62. Yet for all its eclecticism it builds in a single arc -- its core the long second movement, propelled upward by quasi-Minimalist rhythmic repetitions -- until the exuberant jam session is capped by the Churchly sobriety of the orchestral idiom, returning as if to remind everyone of where they are, though more focusing the mood than interrupting it.

63. In painting, the so-called " Parisian Atticism " is a particular movemement in French painting of the 17th century, spanning approximatively between 1640 and 1660, when famous painters working in Paris like Eustache Le Sueur or Jacques Stella elaborated a rigorous classicist style, characterized by a research of sobriety, luminosity and harmony and references to the Greco-Roman world.