Use "sob" in a sentence

1. She nodded with a sob.

2. The usual sob story.

3. A sob escaped her lips.

4. Sarah held back a sob of relief.

5. He started to sob uncontrollably.

6. A choked sob rose in his throat.

7. Keep your sob story to yourself.

8. 4 He began to sob uncontrollably.

9. He gave a deep sob.

10. He began to sob uncontrollably.

11. She began to sob and moan.

12. I saw her sob and begin to choke.

13. She managed to stifle a sob.

14. 1 He started to sob uncontrollably.

15. Compare cry, sob, weep, wail and whimper.

16. A dry sob caught in her throat.

17. I heard the sea sob to yesterday is dream.

18. Or maybe he really is an arrogant SOB.

19. His words wrenched a sob from her.

20. The doves sob quietly in their cote.

21. As he approached Quigley, Quigley started to sob.

22. In the neighbouring room on the right the sister began to sob.

23. And again she began to sob, more Bitterly than before

24. Norman sank to his knees and began to sob piteously.

25. She started to sob, slowly at first, then harsher.

26. She buried her face in her hands and began to sob.

27. The disappointed boy gulped down a sob and tried to smile.

28. "Why didn't you tell me?" she said with a sob.

29. The child started to sob when he couldn't find his mother.

30. She began to sob again, burying her face in the pillow.

31. Whoever this sob was, He was bold enough to kidnap one of our own.

32. 26 The child covered her face with her hands and started to sob uncontrollably.

33. 5 Life is made up of sob, sniffle, and smile, with sniffle predominating.

34. They heard sob-stuff from one man about his deprived childhood in an institution.

35. 178 synonyms for Cry: weep, sob, bawl, shed tears, keen, greet, wail, whine, whimper, whinge, blubber, snivel

36. The only sound in the house is the occasional last convulsive sob from the top of the stairs.

37. A sob rose in his throat, blending with an incredulous, nervous giggle framed by his lips.

38. The idea of all that sob - stuff was to get me to lend her money.

39. Bawl (one's) eyes out To sob or weep loudly, uncontrollably, and for a long period of time

40. Bawl (one's) eyes out To sob or weep loudly, uncontrollably, and for a long period of time

41. The suspended despair inside her splintered into a shuddering sob and Fernando tightened his hold on her.

42. His display of kindness to her opened the floodgates again, and she began to sob loudly.

43. It has to do with that Greek Bacchic , whole Pagan ritualistic thing, " said Royce Chen '0 a former SOB."

44. "Stabat Mater Dolorosa" The String Orchestra of Brooklyn (SOB), led by conductor Eli Spindel, releases its debut album Afterimage on Friday

45. PRAZO DE CONFECÇÃO Os produtos são feitos sob encomenda e possui Prazo para confecção Qualquer dúvida Atendom por e-mails

46. PRAZO DE CONFECÇÃO Os produtos são feitos sob encomenda e possui Prazo para confecção Qualquer dúvida Atendom por e-mails

47. 16 Then she went off and sat down about a Bowshot away, for she thought, “I cannot watch the boy die.” And as she sat there, she [] began to sob.

48. “Shouldn’t Matter But it Does” is the second song in Mayer’s highly anticipated album “Sob Rock” where he reminisces on a failed relationship, what should have been done differently on

49. Declaracao com sabor de Blague que precisa ser colocada sob suspeita, pois ele, como poeta, poderia ter desenvolvido uma extensa atividade critica paralela a sua obra de criacao, como o fizeram varios poetas modernos.

50. If you're a little bit unhappy, the corners of your mouth turn down and you sniffle, and if you're very unhappy, tears pour down your face and you might sob.

51. Audiences that are breathless during the sensual desert tryst between Jen and her bandit lover Lo (Chang), later sob their farewells aloud to an old warrior who gives a lovely valediction.

52. Bedabble kakijun mrk piece goods phlebotomist fishing village plaukti dangling przesuwka meaningful Serum izuzetan உருவாக்கம் மேசைப் பொறி poison kajitsu EasyCredit-Stadion (u.E.) (S, Sport) sob separator fotelja ballet on the way delatarse دجاج …

53. A man Conned tens of thousands of euro out of two elderly women – including the life-savings of one – by telling them a series of “sob stories”, a Dublin court has heard

54. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English convulsive con‧vul‧sive / kənˈvʌlsɪv / adjective [usually before noun] VIOLENT a convulsive movement or action is sudden, violent, and impossible to control a convulsive sob — Convulsively adverb Con’s body jerked Convulsively.

55. ‘Watched The End of the Affair tonight and Boohooed.’ Synonyms weep , shed tears, sob, wail, be in tears, cry one's eyes out, cry one's heart out, cry as if one's heart would break, bawl, howl, snivel, whimper, whine, squall, mewl, bleat

56. Analphabetical Order Awaiting Instructions · 2017 Survival of the Quitter On Top of the Food Chain · 2017 Sob 40 Awaiting Instructions · 2017 The Art of Being Apart of a Part On Top of the Food Chain · 2017 Pariasparty

57. Words found within Bazoos: ab abo abos abs as azo ba bas bazoo bo boa boas boo boos bos bozo bozos ob oba obas obo obos obs oo oos os sab saz so sob za zas zo zoa zobo zobos zoo zoos zos

58. Espécies deste género e também outras bactérias são capazes de formar ácido acético sob várias condições; mas todas as Acetobacter são reconhecidas por esta habilidade característica.

59. Axiomas Lógicos são fórmulas em uma linguagem que é universalmente válida, ou seja, são fórmulas satisfeitas por toda a estrutura sob toda função de tarefa de variáveis

60. As basílicas maiores (em latim: Basilica major), antigamente conhecidas como basílicas patriarcais e hoje chamadas de basílicas papais, estão, desde o século XVII, diretamente sob autoridade do Papa.Têm privilégios especiais e abrigam um altar e um trono papal

61. The name itself is a witty rejoinder: The founders wanted something fun and clever to upstage that mewling sob-fest called the Renaissance Weekend, held to polite applause every New Year's weekend in Hilton Head, South Carolina, starring the Clintons and a thousand other Third Way Bubbleheads.Dark Ages, by contrast, promised cigars, strong drink, Robert Bork, and lots of warm Phoenix weather.

62. Of JI0 0rCM0«E^ EXACTLY AS PICTURED Otto* mppiiOS HkrovgHoot oat sort mmcapt om rn low Aorty -od* orttaod cI factory-*©*- *©*•4 erica, Aloetical aepJ>o*cM ane Se©# eovjrtwf Full-color, fluted border, first quality To beoutify your Sob'© or for o grond Christine! gift — fine dinner-wore at the lowest price in …

63. Genesis 21:16 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Genesis 21:16, NIV: "Then she went off and sat down about a Bowshot away, for she thought, 'I cannot watch the boy die.'And as she sat there, she began to sob." Genesis 21:16, ESV: "Then she went and sat down opposite him a good way off, about the distance of a Bowshot, for she said, “Let me not look on the death of the child.”

64. A designação do império como "Bizantino" surgiu na Europa Ocidental em 1557, quando o historiador alemão Hieronymus Wolf publicou sua obra Corpus Historiæ Byzantinæ, uma coleção de fontes bizantinas."Bizantino" em si vem de "Bizâncio" (uma cidade grega, fundada por colonos de Mégara em 667 a.C.), o nome da cidade de Constantinopla antes de se tornar a capital do império sob Constantino.