Use "sniggers" in a sentence

1. Her shabby appearance drew sniggers from the guests.

2. They beetled past; a game to top each other's sniggers.

3. And I'd kiss her sniggers away; shaving foam on her face, in her hair.

4. Synonyms for Belly laughs include giggles, laughs, sniggers, snickers, titters, chuckles, chortles, cackles, guffaws and laughter

5. Sniggers and the double meanings surrounded the subject which was one of the biggest taboos in our society.

6. They stood aside and let us pass, though we heard the sniggers and laughter caused by their little jokes.

7. 26 Mickey Mouse sniggers and Greta Garbo averts her pained gaze from our mortified writhings on the shallow fur of cinema seats.

8. 8 Mickey Mouse sniggers and Greta Garbo averts her pained gaze from our mortified writhings on the shallow fur of cinema seats.

9. ‘Maybe it's the Beribboned high waistlines, maybe it's the delicate petticoats or maybe it's those slightly ridiculous bonnets, but whatever the reason, behind-the-hand sniggers are a certainty.’ ‘A man with delicate good looks and haunting eyes, staring out at us from portraits, Beribboned and aristocratic.’