Use "sneral vertebra" in a sentence

1. Fish vertebra, also known as codfish vertebra, describes the Biconcave appearance of vertebrae (especially lumbar vertebrae)

2. There is still pain at bottom vertebra of the buttock!

3. 26 This kind of technology is suitable to osteoporotic vertebra compressed fracture,( vertebra myeloma and some transferred tumors in vertebras .

4. Metastasic focus located brain, chest vertebra, left adrenal gland.

5. The Articular processes or zygapophyses (Greek ζυγον = "yoke" (because it links two vertebrae) + απο = "away" + φυσις = "process") of a vertebra are projections of the vertebra that serve the purpose of fitting with an adjacent vertebra

6. ‘The seventh cervical vertebra is Biconcave and is well preserved.’

7. Tail bushy the vertebra extended at least the hock joint.

8. A Cervical rib forms from the overdevelopment of the transverse process of a Cervical vertebra, typically from the seventh Cervical vertebra in the neck known as C7

9. 4 Metastasic focus located brain, chest vertebra,( left adrenal gland.

10. 22 There is still pain at bottom vertebra of the buttock!

11. The caudal vertebra, aitch bone, and the flank shall be removed.

12. The Coprolite is full of fish bones, including a large vertebra

13. Oculinid nugacities Quintilian vertebra outfooling Acatery Miamisburg inexplicit spryly acock toiled

14. Knife marks on the anterior surface of the L-1 vertebra.

15. A gigantic vertebra, approximately the size of a man, was also found.

16. Frenchy Isaiah cooperate, his vertebra Bedabbles fight with my best friend essay rethinking loose

17. This is RAM 1619, a proximal caudal vertebra of an Apatosaurine, in posterior view

18. An Apatosaurus (a large sauropod) vertebra was found with Allosaurus tooth marks on it

19. An Annular tear is a tear in the ligament that connects your vertebra to your disc

20. The type specimen (IVPP V 11120) is represented only by a very large anterior dorsal vertebra.

21. The AcoMed, Medinorm, and Intromed titanium spacers show a tendency for penetrating ground plates of adjacent vertebra.

22. Each vertebra has a pair of Apophyseal joints- one on the left and one on the right.

23. To prevent certain paralysis they needed to perform a series of operations to graft a spinal vertebra.

24. 25 Results 363 lateral films of thoracolumbar vertebra conjunctions and sacrococcygeal vertebrae were collected from 363 patients.

25. Bilateral spondylolysis can result in the L5 vertebra becoming so weakened that it slips forward and causes spondylolisthesis

26. This result suggests that sustained compression could aggravate mechanical damage to the vertebra and end-plate in vivo.

27. 21 To prevent certain paralysis they needed to perform a series of operations to graft a spinal vertebra.

28. 3 To prevent certain paralysis they needed to perform a series of operations to graft a spinal vertebra.

29. • He Crumpled to the ice with a shattered fourth cervical vertebra, his body paralyzed from the neck down

30. 5 He crumpled to the ice with a shattered fourth cervical vertebra, his body paralyzed from the neck down.

31. Clinical definition: an avulsion fracture of the cephalad or caudad edge of the vertebra adjacent to the Apophyseal ring

32. Basilar invagination is an uncommon condition that occurs when the upper portion of the second vertebra (C2) moves upward

33. 11 Objective:To introduce the clinic adopted of titanium AF in thoracic vertebra and lumbar fracture dislocation and spinal cord scathe.

34. She was unaware that anyone had approached until she felt a touch on one of the vertebra of her spine.

35. Anchoring element for fixing a rod of a device for setting a human or animal spinal column to a vertebra

36. 12 She was unaware that anyone had approached until she felt a touch on one of the vertebra of her spine.

37. 29 She was unaware that anyone had approached until she felt a touch on one of the vertebra of her spine.

38. The occipital condyle is a structure on the posterior part of a dinosaur's skull which articulates with the first cervical vertebra.

39. 16 Between the waist dish the opening between outstanding and adscititious vertebra is narrow, still have better idea besides the operation?

40. 18 When there are two vertebras were fractured, ch oosing one to pad the one vertebra breadth pillow and using traction.

41. 19 The morphology of anatomy and histology of vertebra and rib, and vertical compression on lumbar vertebrae in inbreed line Banna mining were studied.

42. The typical lesions observed were yolk sac edema, vertebra defect, craniofacial malformations (double head, triple retina), Anaxial body and inhibition of swim bladder inflation

43. Of the nine neural spines whose heights are given, the longest ("i," associated with a dorsal vertebra) was 1.65 meters (5.4 ft) in length.

44. Conclusion:Anterior and middle scalene muscles have starting points in transverse processes of cervical vertebra. Those decussating starting points are the main cause of thorax exit syndrome.

45. (German Wirehaired Pointer, NCI Thesaurus) The spine is Basically like a series of beads on a string, with each bead representing a single bone — a vertebra

46. A Bulging disc is a problem with one of the shock-absorbing spinal discs that lies between each vertebra—the bones that make up the spine

47. Cervical Vertebrae A typical cervical vertebra has a small body, a Bifid spinous process, transverse processes that have a transverse foramen and are curved for spinal nerve passage

48. It is based on TV4-1 to TV4-36, consisting of a partial pelvis, several back vertebrae and a tail vertebra, ribs, and an upper arm bone (humerus).

49. Pith nucleus calcify can appear the symptom with lumbar inflexible activity, sure meeting reduces calcification the symptom that the dimension that vertebra provides causes a nerve root press press.

50. The transverse process is a bony prominence that projects laterally off the right and left sides of each vertebra of the Cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions of the spinal column.

51. In other vertebrates, the number of cervical vertebrae can range from a single vertebra in amphibians, to as many as 25 in swans or 76 in the extinct plesiosaur Elasmosaurus.

52. Cope believed the fragments belonged to an "agathaumid" (ceratopsid) dinosaur, and named them Manospondylus gigas, meaning "giant porous vertebra", in reference to the numerous openings for blood vessels he found in the bone.

53. Basilar invagination is a rare but serious condition in which the second cervical vertebra migrates upward into the intracranial space, causing pressure on the upper part of the spinal cord and lower brainstem

54. Usually there are three Constrictions which are present at the following locations: At the pelvi-uretric junction which is at the level of lower pole of kidney (at the level of tip of transverse process of 2nd lumbar vertebra)

55. In tetrapods, Cervical vertebrae (singular: vertebra) are the vertebrae of the neck, immediately below the skull.Truncal vertebrae (divided into thoracic and lumbar vertebrae in mammals) lie caudal (toward the tail) of Cervical vertebrae

56. With the development of degenerative phenomena PN dehydrate, PN turgor descends, its amortization qualities disappear, and as a result of this fibrous ring gets flatter and partly overflows the limits of vertebra body.

57. When Constrictions were present on both margins and grooves were shallow, it was considered as incomplete division which was forming two shapes, figure of 8 shaped and dumb-bell shaped. Morphometric analysis of superior articular facets of atlas vertebra and its clinical applications

58. In the mediastinum, at the level of the fifth thoracic vertebra, the trachea divides into the right and left primary Bronchi.The Bronchi branch into smaller and smaller passageways until they terminate in tiny air sacs called alveoli.

59. The body is unable to self-correct these “Anteriorities” because there is no muscle attached to the posterior (back) aspect of the vertebra which can pull straight backwards along the horizontal axis and restore proper joint alignment and biomechanics

60. Studies of bone abnormalities in skeletons from ancient Syria have led paleontologists to conclude that operating similar querns caused young women repetitive stress injuries —notched kneecaps, damage to the last dorsal vertebra, and severe osteoarthritis in the big toe.

61. Cutting and boning: separate from the silverside/thick flank by a straight cut from a point approximately five centimetres from the posterior edge of the fifth sacral vertebra, passing approximately five centimetres from the anterior edge of the aitchbone, taking care not to cut through the thick flank

62. separate from the silverside/thick flank by a straight cut from a point approximately # cm from the posterior edge of the fifth sacral vertebra, passing approximately # cm from the anterior edge of the aitch bone, taking care not to cut through the thick flank

63. ACTN Actinosts ANO Anterior nostril or nasal opening ANRY Anal fin ray ANSP Anal fin spine ANSR Anal fin soft rays BASI Basipterygium CDLV Caudal vertebra CLEI Cleithrum CORC Coracoid DPCL Dorsal postcleithrum ECPT Ectopyterygoid ENPT Entopterygoid EPOT Epiotic EPPL Epipleural Rib EPR1-3 Epurals 1–3

64. Cutting and boning: separate from the silverside/thick flank by a straight cut from a point approximately 5 cm from the posterior edge of the fifth sacral vertebra, passing approximately 5 cm from the anterior edge of the aitch bone, taking care not to cut through the thick flank.

65. Cutting and boning: separate from the silverside/thick flank by a straight cut from a point approximately five centimetres from the posterior edge of the fifth sacral vertebra, passing approximately five centimetres from the anterior edge of the aitch bone, taking care not to cut through the thick flank

66. Aortae (ā-ōr'tă, -tē) [TA] A large artery that is the main trunk of the systemic arterial system, arising from the left ventricle and ending at the left side of the body of the fourth lumbar vertebra by dividing to form the right and left common iliac arteries.

67. Cutting and boning: separate from the silverside/thick flank by a straight cut from a point approximately five centimetres from the posterior edge of the fifth sacral vertebra, passing approximately five centimetres from the anterior edge of the aitchbone, taking care not to cut through the thick flank.

68. Cutting and deboning: separate from the silverside/thick flank by a straight cut from a point approximately five centimetres from the posterior edge of the fifth sacral vertebra, passing approximately five centimetres from the anterior edge of the aitchbone, taking care not to cut through the thick flank.

69. Aortae (ā-ōr'tă, -tē) [TA] A large artery that is the main trunk of the systemic arterial system, arising from the left ventricle and ending at the left side of the body of the fourth lumbar vertebra by dividing to form the right and left common iliac arteries.

70. Cutting and boning: separate from the silverside/thick flank by a straight cut from a point approximately five centimetres from the posterior edge of the fifth sacral vertebra, passing approximately five centimetres from the anterior edge of the aitch bone, taking care not to cut through the thick flank.

71. Other articles where PostzygApophyses is discussed: snake: Vertebrae: …at two projections (prezygApophyses and postzygApophyses) from the centra, with articulating surfaces that lie above and below; and finally the zygosphenes and zygantra, found almost exclusively in snakes, the zygosphene being a projecting shelf on the upper part of the vertebra and the zygantrum being a pocket into which

72. History and Etymology for Astragal. borrowed from French & Latin; French Astragale, going back to Middle French, borrowed from Latin Astragalus, borrowed from Greek astrágalos "neck vertebra, ball of the ankle joint, (in plural) dice made from the talus bones of hoofed animals, molding in the capital of an Ionic column," of uncertain origin.

73. The large artery that is the main trunk of the systemic arterial system, arising from the base of the left ventricle, ending at the left side of the body of the fourth lumbar vertebra, dividing to form the right and left common iliac arteries, and whose parts are the ascending aorta, the Aortic arch, and the descending aorta.

74. N Apophysis In anatomy: Any process of bone; an out-growth of bone; a mere projection or protuberance, which has no independent ossific center, and is thus distinguished from an epiphysis (which see); specifically, any process of a vertebra, whether it has such a center, and thus is epiphysial in nature, or not: in the former case, a vertebral Apophysis is called autogenous or endogenous; in

75. Ulnar nerve entrapment is a condition where the ulnar nerve becomes physically trapped or pinched, resulting in pain, numbness, or weakness, primarily affecting the little finger and ring finger of the hand.Entrapment may occur at any point from the spine at cervical vertebra C7 to the wrist; the most common point of entrapment is in the elbow (Cubital tunnel syndrome).