Use "sneezing" in a sentence

1. (Sneezing sound) Bless you.

2. 2 She started coughing and sneezing.

3. 7 I've been sneezing all morning.

4. Awful, sniffling, sneezing, muscle-achy Colds

5. Sneezing is also common in newborns .

6. ♪ She spent a month sneezing

7. 4 dust about, he couldn't stop sneezing.

8. 8 Sneezing comes early and with increasing frequency.

9. 13 Once he came back sneezing and coughing.

10. 9 I've been coughing and sneezing all day.

11. After sneezing, coughing, or blowing your nose.

12. Alarmingly, he went into a severe sneezing fit.

13. The virus's usual transmission route is by sneezing.

14. It can also spread through coughing and sneezing .

15. 5 The disease cannot be transmitted through coughing or sneezing.

16. 10 It has never been transmitted through sneezing or coughing.

17. 1 They all had colds and were sniffing and sneezing.

18. The Chickenpox virus spreads via personal contact, sneezing or coughing

19. We all had colds and couldn't stop sniffing and sneezing.

20. 23 With all that dust about, he couldn't stop sneezing.

21. 3 The disease cannot be transmitted through coughing or sneezing.

22. I thought allergies were just watery eyes and sneezing.

23. Sneezing or a runny nose point to a cold .

24. 22 It's terrible sneezing at a time like this.

25. 6 The virus's usual transmission route is by sneezing.

26. 5 The disease is accompanied by sneezing and fever.

27. 25 Ann had a cold and was sneezing and coughing.

28. 20 He a runny nose, sneezing or a scratchy throat.

29. They all had colds and were sniffing and sneezing.

30. 24 See your doctor now to beat summer sneezing.

31. 11 Some dust in the closet started him sneezing.

32. Alice said to herself, as well as she could for sneezing.

33. Bulging disc symptoms can worsen with coughing, sneezing, and bending

34. 19 A: His endless sneezing and coughing is really distracting.

35. 21 Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing.

36. 12 Simple as sneezing to put him on the defensive.

37. A common cold is characterized by sneezing, coughing, and a runny nose.

38. Using the body -- it could be sneezing, it could be coughing, animals --

39. 27 We all had colds and couldn't stop sniffing and sneezing.

40. She, going on first, was under the impression that Hall was sneezing.

41. Allergies can cause anything from rashes and hives to itchy eyes, sneezing, coughing, diarrhea

42. Living in tight quarters, one pig coughing and sneezing may soon lead to the next pig coughing and sneezing, until an outbreak of swine flu has taken over your farm.

43. That you cannot control your movements She was Convulsed by a bout of sneezing

44. 15 Our 4-year-old daughter is sneezing like she has hay fever.

45. 26 In the morning she was sneezing, and going down town made it worse.

46. People were sneezing all over the place as if it were the heart of allergy season.

47. 18 The sneezing bouts continued for a couple of days, accompanied by shivering and coughing fits.

48. 14 Chilly, always taking colds which cause catarrh and sneezing; from every change in the weather.

49. Not so with allergies, which can leave you feeling Congested, with itchy eyes and sneezing

50. Chilly, always taking colds which cause catarrh and sneezing; from every change in the weather.

51. My dog is huffing/Chuffing and sneezing. Lincoln. Corgi poodle mix and a year 1/2 old

52. Daniel Liden Date: February 14, 2021 Anthers produce pollen, which quite often leads to sneezing.

53. The trick is to start to build right from the back of your throat. [ Sneezing ]

54. 16 People were sneezing all over the place as if it were the heart of allergy season.

55. 29 Right in the centre is one person with a streaming cold who is sneezing his head off!

56. Signs that the Awns may have gotten into the nose include sneezing and intense nasal discharge

57. 28 I think I'm getting a cold or flu - I've been coughing and sneezing all day.

58. Allergies can cause a host of symptoms, from itchy eyes and sneezing to congestion, Chest tightness, and coughing

59. Chickenpox (varicella) is spread by coughing, sneezing, or direct contact with fluid from the blisters caused by the disease

60. Allergic rhinitis, also called hay fever, is an Allergic reaction that causes sneezing, congestion, itchy nose and sore throat

61. Allergies can cause a variety of symptoms such as a runny nose, sneezing, itching, rashes, swelling, or asthma

62. Adenoviruses most often infect the airways leading to cold-like symptoms, including sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, cough

63. If possible, use disposable tissues to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and throw them away immediately.

64. Symptoms may include sneezing , watery eyes , and a runny or stuffy nose and may only occur in spring or fall .

65. If we do not pay attention to add clothes, cold attacks will snivel, sneezing, even all pain had a high fever.

66. Using the body -- it could be sneezing, it could be coughing, animals -- ( Audience member coughs ) Exactly. ( Laughter ) Clapping, whatever.

67. 17 I completed tidying the loft,( sneezing a few times as the golden space filled with motes of shining dust.

68. Natural Antihistamines can be just what you need when experiencing unwanted allergic symptoms such as headaches, itching, congestion, and sneezing

69. The Apex CURES: STRESS incontinence (which is incontinence caused by physical movement or activity — such as coughing, sneezing, running or heavy lifting)

70. An Antihistamine is a type of medicine used to treat common allergy symptoms, such as sneezing, watery eyes, hives, and a runny nose

71. The photic sneeze reflex (also known as Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst (ACHOO) syndrome or photosneezia, from the Greek φῶς, phōs, "light" and colloquially sun sneezing) is a reflex condition that causes sneezing in response to numerous stimuli, such as looking at bright lights or periocular (surrounding the eyeball) injection.

72. It’s the active ingredient in Benadryl, an Antihistamine meant to treat symptoms of an allergic reaction like itchiness, watery eyes, and sneezing

73. Allergy Relief is used to treat runny nose, sneezing, itching, and watery eyes caused by allergies, the common cold, or the flu

74. 30 If we do not pay attention to add clothes, cold attacks will snivel, sneezing, even all pain had a high fever.

75. "Airtight is an unreformed practical joker; sneezing powder, plastic barf, whoopee cushion - the whole bit!! No prank is too low for him

76. Contoured Face Cover Mask with Filter is intended to decrease the spread of Covid-19 by reducing dispersion of droplets when talking, coughing or sneezing

77. Alice guessed who it was, even before she got into the court, by the way the people near the door began sneezing all at once.

78. Medically termed as viral upper respiratory tract infection, rhinopharyngitis or acute Coryza consists of symptoms such as running nose, sneezing, cough, sore throat.

79. Contoured Face Cover Mask is intended to decrease the spread of Covid-19 by reducing dispersion of droplets when talking, coughing or sneezing

80. Allergin M 5mg/10mg Tablet is a combination of two medicines: Levocetirizine and Montelukast, which relieves sneezing and runny nose due to allergies