Use "sneezed" in a sentence

1. Nighthawk sneezed, just sneezed, and the whole bunch was off.

2. The waves snarled and sneezed.

3. No, no, I sneezed.

4. You sneezed all over my shoe!

5. Someone sneezed on the staircase.

6. Once he ambled into a nostril of sand, that sneezed and sneezed to expel him.

7. The youngest once sneezed for three days straight.

8. Someone sneezed loudly at the back of the hall.

9. 16 She handed me a tissue just as I sneezed.

10. 7 Someone sneezed loudly at the back of the hall.

11. You know, because of your award, not because that busboy sneezed on it.

12. And if they sneezed a lot, you'd call them Sneezy McGee.

13. " And it was just then, at that very moment, that Oliver sneezed. "

14. So you're sick because your immune system is shot and someone sneezed on you.

15. Dextra sternuit Approbationem (8-9, 17-18) The clause at issue is generally interpreted: Amor primum dextra, deinde sinistra sternuit4('Love sneezed first on the right, then he sneezed on the left').5 Thus (as also in Ellis's text) Amor sneezes four times in all, which leads commentators to

16. That means COVID-19 is what scientists call Aerosolized. Before, it was believed that coronavirus traveled in larger droplets released when people coughed or sneezed.

17. Her nose twitched, then she sneezed and opened her eyes and lay there, blinking Contentedly in the morning light.: While I Contentedly stuck around, his seat remained empty after intermission.