Use "snap off" in a sentence

1. Big snap off the top!

2. Change the channel. Snap off the radio.

3. Even better, the pegs didn't snap off.

4. Suddenly the branch that he is stand on snap off.

5. About five o'clock it was blue enough outside to snap off the light.

6. They either snap off in the middle or just fall over of their own weight.

7. One tree they saw snap off halfway up whirl away by the wind into the lagoon.

8. Fortunately someone had the presence of mind to snap off a picture, preserving the soapy creature for posterity.

9. The control arms protect from the front and are designed to snap off in a hard impact, the ducts then further protect the pilot.

10. 25 The control arms protect from the front and are designed to snap off in a hard impact,[] the ducts then further protect the pilot.

11. Summer and autumn cultivars of Pyrus communis, being climacteric fruits, are gathered before they are fully ripe, while they are still green, but snap off when lifted.